Jindal touts values in Iowa (Opens Presidential Run on Louisiana's Dime -ssssshhhh)
~Michelle Millhollen
~Gov. Bobby Jindal told a “family values” crowd Saturday night that he came to Iowa to talk about the American culture,
~Editilla Dixspellas the New Not Campaign~
Can we getta'witnass fo'da Dingle Berry Dunko?
Yeah we heah Ya'Mouf Talking, Monsignor Bobby J!
We also have 4 Hurricane Seasons between you and the White House, BOBBY J.
This must be a Christian thing:
Lie like a Dog on the Tax-Payers' Dime,
and using the Hard Recovery Work and Resources (and recovery money?) of the State's Citizens to back a Presidential Run. At least an Atheist admits it.
It is a real shame that The Govorcists can use our experiences with hurricanes and our State Tax Funds to Run for President
--by Not Running For President.
Mike Huckabee is loping around saying and doing the same thing.
"My Iowa stop has nothing to do with Running for President!" crooed The Huckster to Rachel Maddow, "I am actually just doing a Book Tour --just trying to sell my book (about running for president)-- and it happens to stop in 2 Iowa locations...
(whilst the PBJ Tour Rocks the Midwest)
--and, by the way, have we talked yet about how the Republican Party is really just looking to 2012 for competent governors...
(articulate fundamentalist conservative christian)
--Governors who DO things!"--(like ME ME ME..)
or P. Bobby Jindal (The Exorcist Hurricanator)
...or Barbour (Haley Jabba no Jesus but he still Big Jabba)
Criminals ‘commuting’
~Allan Johnson Jr.
~Following a recent drugs-and-guns bust in St. Bernard Parish, narcotics officers asked a suspected drug dealer why he moved from eastern New Orleans to the suburbs. “He said he felt safer outside the city,” Warren Rivera, a spokesman for the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration in Metairie, said, repeating reports by the St. Bernard Parish Sheriff’s Office. “It’s pretty bad when the drug dealers are saying that.”
~Please see also~La. ‘drug game’ complex
The Petition To Remove the Trash Queen From Her Trash Heap ~Gentilly Girl
~The petition still moves forward in an attempt to have Mayor Nagin remove his over-educated, incompetent and incoherent Head of our Department of Sanitation for her complete inability to tell the truth about her department and her total disdain for any who question her.
It's time for New Orleans to admit it's a shrinking city,
~Gordon Russell
Local Community
Katrina Kids: Sickest Ever
~Mary Carmichael
Dry land's wet fate
~Janine Zuniga
South Padre Island's beaches get much needed sand
How To Deal With Pirates
(American, not Somalian)
~Rob Kall

Retracing Nikolay Vavilov's Quest to End Famine
~Gary Nabhan
~Special Thanks! ~Splendid Table
and Locavore Nation,
a year-long effort to discover what it takes to obtain, prepare and eat a sustainable, regionally based diet.
New Orleans cooking up a storm in Katrina aftermath
~Scott Vogel
New Orleans Museum of Art free to all till Jan. 18

Joyful Music is Powerful Heart Medicine, Researchers Find
~Sherry Baker
Singing: The Key To A Long Life ~Brian Eno~I believe in singing.
I believe in singing together.
~Le Blog du Festival Country Rendez-Vous
<~Luderin Darbone, the acclaimed Cajun-swing fiddler who co-founded The Hackberry Ramblers in 1933, passed away on November 21, at Calcasieu-Cameron Hospital in Sulphur, Louisiana.
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