~Louisiana's Super Station LCN-TV will air the exclusive network premiere of Susan Cowsill's "Crescent City Snow" video this Friday, November 28th at 8:30pm on LCN's "The Vault".
Building a time bomb
~Much concern should be given to the planned building of the New Orleans Cold Storage warehouse at the foot of Esplanade, right next to the US. Mint, at the Governor Nichols St Wharf. Why? Because of their Blast Freezers which are anhydrous ammonia refrigerant systems!!!!
~Editilla would like to Remind Everyone that 50,000 gallons of Anhydrous Ammonia ain't nothing to sneeze at and it is the Stupid Shit that will Kill You Every Time! This would make the Produce Company Propane Exposions and Fire during the Federal Flood of '05 look like a leisurely stroll through the Valley of the Shadow of Death by comparison. By the way, don't these fools need to get Permitting from the Corps of Engineers? Uh Oh...
Hospital plans worry New Orleans neighborhood
~Becky Bohrer~Residents worry hospital plans will raze their homes, neighborhood in New Orleans
Jindal, NOT RUNNING FOR PRESIDENT, speaks at Iowa banquet~Michelle Millhollon
~Despite repeated denials that he is interested in the top job, nearly a thousand conservatives ventured out on a cold night after a day of snow flurries to hear what Jindal had to say at the Iowa Family Policy Center’s annual banquet.
Obama names Allstate official as social secretary?
From "No Doubt" to "Is That a Yes?"~Harry Shearer
Few in Louisiana have close ties to Obama~Jonathan Tilove
As Katrina Legal Work Dries Up, Firms Scrambling~Julie Kay
Thousands in Texas wait for FEMA to put a roof overhead ~Mike Snyder
Cenla residents can still get federal help from Gustav, Ike ~The Town Talk
Aid for local farmers stalled in Congress~ Vershal Hogan
Impact of Earthquakes on the Central USA~Bon Schmidt
Call Me Up In Dreamland
~Citizen K
Marigny grocery waits on insurance~Emilie Bahr
~Robert’s wants to reopen but it could be another year before business resumes

~Kevin Allman
<~That’s Gambit intern Bryan Davis, "volunteering" at the New Orleans Po-Boy Preservation Festival.
{Editilla Notellas da'Gambit-Enforcer in Shades, shadowing our Po'Brian with obvious arm'twisting intent:}
It was a great day to be on Oak Street, eating Vaucresson’s hot sausage and roast beef and banh mi and just about anything that could be dressed between two pieces of French bread.
HMS Bounty docks in B.R.
~Sonia Smith
Frenchmen Street
~John Bordsen~Please also read
The time-honored first step in running for president is to visit Iowa and say that you're not running for president.
I'm so used to the candidate who first lines up the voting machines that I forgot about actual campaigning until Obama came along.
It will be Jindal/Huckubee?
Of course there is Haley's Comity in MS.
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