The Times Picayune has Wiped Their Ass with the US Constitution and breached the public trust by abusing their Freedom of the Press in favor of Profit
Despite Rising Conflicts of Interest!
Rotten to the Corps!!!
There you have it, Gentle'rillas, from a page of an online article today about death in Central Lock'up. How bloody apropos.
God only knows where they'll turn up next in a newspaper which is so ethically challenged that they cannot even Print the word Gambit, let alone properly hide their hand when cheating! HA!
What Jerk Off Patsy Media! Hahahaha...
Are we going to have to bump this up a notch to a Full Boycott of the Times Picayune? I have real trouble with the notion of chancing the subjugation of our Valued Gentle Readers to such Random Garish Corps Public Relations Marketing --especially in the face of their imminent appearance before a Court of Law.
I suppose this is what it has come to...
the TP simply decided to follow the money and support only the Corps of Engineers over the citizens' of New Orleans need to know who screwed them and how.
Deepthroat was correct:
"Oo0h is that a Telephone Pole, or are you just glad to see me?!?"
Follow the Money...
After my questioning them of this and their lack of a Published Company Ethics Policy they have decided to have No substantive articles on the Corps, but instead these Ugly Advertisements by the Corps PR Dept. It has been 2 weeks and nothing.
Perhaps there is no news on the Corps.
Editilla doubts it.
But when we get no answers we are left with only actions...
--which speak so much louder than words.
This Expensive Flash Ad (EFA)(paid to the TP with Your Tax Dollars) leads the unsuspecting viewer to think that the Corps is actually Reducing Risk by having these "public discussions" and moving projects along, congroovient with wonderful in/out, give/take type of community involvement between the survivors in St Bernard and the Corps.
This is a Lie, as the intent of these ads is not true of these meetings noted in the Ad. You can't get the information from this website.
The intent here by Advertising in the largest daily News paper in the Jury Pool Demographic is to Be Seen...Reducing Risk...
--not different Risk(s) plural, but Risk Proper, Big Risk.
Everyone knows about Big Risk, to wit: FEAR.
There is a Real difference between Risk (general) and Risks (particular), just as there is a difference between Fear (general) (of Terrorism, rabid nutria, Heavy Weather) and Fears (particular) (of Corps of Engineers Incompetency, other crime in New Orleans, Editilla's rational phobia of corrupt local media).
This is not to be "discussion" of 1000s of pages of Individual Environmental Reports, but announcements.
These meetings noted in the EFA are to allegedly discuss Individual Environmental Reports IERs 8 - 11 according to the calendar on the slick, expensive, tax-paid "nola environmental" website. You don't of course see that in the ads, and you also don't see that no one is going to Meet together for just a few hours to "disscuss" over 1000 pages of IERs.
No. What you will be tasked to doing is learning about the decisions are already made by the Corps. If you do go to the Corps Expensive Website (CEW) from the Expensive Flash Ad (EFA) you cannot find info on the topic to be "discussed", IERs 8 - 11. You can find a link to the one below but I tried twice and it just won't load the pdf. ~The Decision Record for IER 11 Tier 2 Borgne has been signed by the District Commander (October 21, 2008)~ but that is the way the Corps plays this.
They are not interested in the public input of data.-
They mainly just want you to see the FANCY ADVERTISMENT about how they are REDUCING RISK.
That is their Catch-22 Phrase.
Reducing Risk, Their Army Word. Hooah!
Reducing Risk. Building Strong.
Bulling Shit.
So if you actually Use this Ad you Get Nothing.
What you do have here is a Failure to Communicate. Spin'filtration. Baby Food.
We have the Times Picayune engaging in Jury Tampering.
The Corps is Not Reducing Risk in St Bernard.
The Corps is due in Court over this Fact in 173 Days, in a case to be decided by a Jury picked from the TP readership.
So now, early, the Corps is running EFAs to distort their image in the eyes of the public. This is wrong and should be illegal.
The Times Picayune is worse than UnEthical for engaging in this practice at the Payment of the Corps of Engineers.
Wrong. Wrong. Wrong.
Bad Times Picayune! No Soup For You!
You simply cannot accept money for Advertising from a News Source of such proven Deadly Import before their Billion $$ Product Liability Trial by Jury. Come on, Y'all!
This is not someone running for office, Editor Kovacs.
This is the Federal Government who flooded our city.
This will be one of the greatest Trials of the 21st Century.
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