Hand cutout,
Ross County, Ohio
Hopewell site,
Mound 25
A.D. 1-400,
sheet mica,
h. 29 cm
Field Museum, Chicago
Special thanks ~Artnet
Obama to Get Running Start With Market Crisis, Wars ~Bloomberg
Today's Front Pages
Cabinet NewsLadder

NewsLadder is where I first cut my teeth, as an editor -aggregator, with the Burma News Ladder back during last year's Saffron Revolt. The 1st of now 20 NewsLadders, I still work the Burma Ladder, but can't keep up with all the other Ladders --which have sprouted like a garden from James Boyce's dream: that people will take his idea and launch their own Ladders upon their own interests. We hope that Gentle'rillas might note...
Ol'Editilla has taken that idea for a New Orleans Ladder and... Funked It Aaaall Up! ~Cartoon from Irrawaddy
Who cares about a couple of stuck-up pin-headed loosers?
Perhaps they will just go on back to their weird doll families and work on being Nicer Dollies. But Evildoers must never forget, da'Masqued Evinga can always make more dolls. Lots more... --mmmwhahahahahaha!
Sen. Mary Landrieu wins third term ~Times Picayune
Master plan given force of law ~Bruce Eggler
Help Save New Orleans’ Charity Hospital and the Adjacent Mid-City Historic Neighborhood
Louisiana Woman Of The Year: You Vote~BBuzz
"It IS Easy Being Green” Day
~Longue Vue House

* Over thirty local "green" non-profits
* Raw food no-cooking demonstration
* Native plant tour, plant sale, several speakers
Levees.org will be there in support with fresh updates!
America's waterways are in danger ~Heather Wylie
"Legislation to restore the Clean Water Act and protect our rivers from being polluted, or our wetlands from being drained for development, is pending in Congress.
It needs to be a top priority.
I picked up a paddle to make a point about protecting the integrity of our waters, including the much-abused L.A. River, and to protest the leadership of my own agency. The Army Corps of Engineers has chosen to subvert the Clean Water Act, which the agency — like myself — has sworn to uphold. To me, protecting our waters, our greatest public-trust resource, is not just our job; it is our patriotic duty." ~Heather Wylie
Federal judge blocks Corps' permit for mountaintop mining
Corps identifies leaking dam near Walla Walla
Kaleidoscopic Biennial for a Scarred City, Prospect 1
~New York Times

Kerouac and Burroughs: 'New' Beats novel
-Jerry Yulsman
Our one year anniversary
~Open Ears Music
Nine great jazz joints
~Stephanie Woodard
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