Corps Rapes Breaux!
~Times Picayune Editorial
~Edtitilla singin' like a Meteor~
Thanks TP for staying on this Vital Issue!

~ASCECORPS misuderestimates the Will of The People.
Candyman ...Candyman ...got'cha!
1) We continue to trust the word of ASCECORPS? Why?
1a) We continue to trust the word of ASCECORPS? Why?
1ab)We continue to trust the word of ASCECORPS? Why?
2) Who do We The Taxpayer have on the side of The People to check the suspect engineering work of the Corps? USGS? ASCE?
They add BILLIONS of Tax Dollars onto projects and we say, "HELLO BOSS!"? "THANKS BOSS!"? "TAKE MY HOME BOSS!"?
3) Perhaps Colonel Alvin Lee is just blowing Smoke up our Ass to further destabilize the State's own funding base in Congress and steal those funds for further Corps Evil Machinations?
They damn sure are Not doing their fucking job that we have already Paid them to do... just as they have done with our levee protection in Terrebone Parish and the Morganza to the Gulf?
Just as they continue to do with our Pumping systems at the exclusion of civic input? Such prestidigitation is unacceptable.
They screw us around for months and simply Don't Do Their Job --and then ask for Godzillions More Funding...
to further Not Do Their Job!
Will our smart new Commander in Chief be able to fire these assholes? Redeploy them, like, against our enemies instead?
Why and How are the Corp of Engineers allowed to increase Our Costs to this exponentially prohibitive degree that they do?
This seems like a fairly new tactic of civic diversion in their dubious history of funding acquisitions. Folks need to know this, that the Corps of Engineers has been at this game longer than we have had Hookers working Wall Street --certainly longer than nearly every State in the Union except perhaps Louisiana. HA!
While they have Always sought to manipulate funding and contracting by pitting civic interests against each other, the Exquixotic Corps has never shown such Gall'Ballish Nerve to make these hyper-spacial jumps from Hundreds of Millions to Billions --until after they flooded New Orleans-- as if that kind of money is simply the difference between a Foul Ball and the Infield Double. Editilla says they are offering us shit in one hand, half a dozen in the other. Editilla waits with baited hooks to see these negligently homicidal maniacs of the Corps in Court in, oh...
--104 Days. That's juz'me'doh... Editilla play'd'oh!
Now We Are Changing the Commander in Chief! Their Boss.
How our smart, new President handles this 1st Primary Terrorists Threat to the nation from within by ASCECORPS will say much about Our Word from many, to da'One. Sinn Féin
Joint EPA/Army Corps Guidance on Isolated Wetlands
Dogs of War:
Contractors and Obama
~David Isenberg ~T'n'T~ Feral Jundi.com
~Editilla Beaux'wanas~
These Cats at Cato, like Isenberg, are speaking more to the President-elect than to We the People. They do so in concert with other Think Tanks of that ilk, and the Private Security Industry, with inaugural frenzy, quickly working to further Frame the Story of Shock Doctrine in this Post-Disaster Scenario they have entered into -and from which we seek to Vote Our Way Out.
"The 'Conspiracy of Rich Men' Who Pulled Off 911 and Other GOP Atrocities"
~Existentialist Cowboy
State rebukes SDT over trash facility~Chris Kirkham
Land Trust board members clash
Miami builders eye N.O. projects
~Stephanie Bruno
Coming up in this week’s Gambit: The Yes We Can (Get the Paper Out on Deadline) Edition
Bywater Neighborhood Mirliton Festival!
Venus Rising artists reception
— Women Artists from the Gulf
~The Oyster Factory
~The Kitchen at Colton is a cooperative of local cooks working together to teach kids about cooking In turn for these services, the cooks will be able to utilize the kitchen (free) for their own culinary side projects.
New Orleans Bread Pudding
~Circular Accessories
There are many events outside Terrebonne, Lafourche
~Daily Comet
PhotoGALA Benefit Party & Auction at NOMA, Dec 4th ~NOPA
Rock'N'Bowl at 20! Yeeea!
~Keith Spera
1 comment:
thanks so much for hangin' me! I will keep trying the bread pudding until the light bulb goes off one day. Until then, I'll drink the butter rum sauce.
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