~Thought Gadgets
~Vignette: how they did it~folo
~Editilla gotta say...well, DAMN! WHO'DAT CAN?
"And Team Obama made absolutely no mention of their efforts on behalf of the Red Cross in the campaign itself."

River diversion slated for closure
~Mark Schleifstein
~USGS Real-Time Water Data for the Nation
~Group sues to delay beach replenishment project
~MO River degradation study discussed
~8/29 Investigation Team Act
~WikiMapia <--click'n'dragable map

System Integration: Water- Wastewater Post-Gustav Report
Plowing the ground - stimulating the economy ~slabbed
Ike housing wait still a nightmare for thousands
Galveston mayor says FEMA delays slowing recovery
The story of one house
...that is the story of many
~Squandered Heritage

Cleland is in running for new Army secretary
~Cabinet NewsLadder
President Elect Obama: Denounce and Renounce
~Harry Shearer
Stop Blaming California's Black Voters for Prop 8
~Raymond Leon Roker
Nagin announces big investment in fight on blight ~Bigad Shaban
$2 billion schools plan OK'd
~Darran Simon
Third City-wide Master Planning Forum Sat, Nov. 8~ASJR
Mel Chin attacking pollution

Children in New Orleans "are so highly exposed (to lead) and as a result have all the kinds of problems that we see in the city — learning problems ... and violence," said professor Howard Mielke of the Tulane/Xavier Center for Biomedical Research.
Chin held a press conference about the project inside an art installation called Safehouse at KK Projects, an exhibition space in six formerly abandoned structures in New Orleans' St. Roch neighborhood. Photo~Arthur Simons
Green Party Black Caucus to attend "State of the Black World Conference" Planned for
New Orleans in November
MDA hopes for rental units
~Anita Lee
Munich Re Cuts 2008 Profit Goal ~Oliver Suess
FEMA: Hurricane Katrina Case Study- Communications Focus
~PR Problems and Cases

Confederacy of Cruisers Bike Tour Reviews~"We hadn't been on a fat tired,
sit up high on the bike, easy riding cruiser since we were kids,
but that's how they ride in the flattest city I've ever seen,
so that's how the tour went."
AIGA New Orleans People’s History of Graphic Design ~Nancysharoncollinsstationer’s Weblog
New Orleans Shabbat at Hillel
Bleeding Heart Biennale
Hopheads Unite at Winterfest
~Ian McNulty
New Orleans Fringe Festival Benefit @ Hi-Ho Lounge
James Booker: New Orleans Piano Wizard, 25 Years Gone
~Defend New Orleans.com
Crawdaddys’ music transcends age, race and gender
Good move by Obama on the redirect!
Oh yes, I am pretty tickled as well that the campaign said nothing of crashing the Red Cross' Server (in 15 minutes of donations) during the show! Other, perhaps more fortitudinally challenged, organizations would have made Big Hey out of such a thing, eh?
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