~American Zombie
Brees needs daddy time
~Mark Moseley, The Lens
Sheriff ordered to pay $650,000 to tourists who were wrongly imprisoned
~Matt Davis
Advocates Call for Halt to Demolitions in UMC Footprint
Freret Neighborhood to install Graffiti Cameras~Hat Tweet~oneeyedjess and RexDingler
Charter schools not required to comply with proposal to help special ed students~Ariella Cohen
Harry Shearer wins Celluloid Hero Award from the New Orleans Film Festival!~NOLA EATS
~While the film festivities kick off tonight at the newly opened Eiffel Society with the Film Festival Gala, it’s not too late to join in. Enjoy show-stopping food by Chef Ian Schnoebelen and headlining cocktails by Mixologist Alan Walter. The party starts at 8 PM and tickets can be purchased online or at the door. Music will be provided by Treme Brass Band and the Celluloid Hero Award will be presented to Harry Shearer, who will be accepting via video.
More indications that NPR may have censored Harry Shearer ~Levees.org
~Sandy Rosenthal (SandySays) wrote:
Sanpete writes, "few authorities have examined the evidence." Actually, there are at least 13 major studies.
1) IPET (USACE), 2) ASCE (oversight of IPET paid by USACE), 3) National Research Council (oversight of ASCE and IPET by DOD), 4) National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), 5) ILIT (paid by NSF and UCal), 6) Team Louisiana (paid by LA Dept of Trans), 7) Decision Chronology by Woolley/Shabman, 8) Risk Management Solutions (insurance industry), 9) Congress - House Study, 10) Congress - Senate Study, 11) White House Study, 13) Center for Progressive Reform ILIT report, 14) MRGO Plaintiffs studies, 15) MRGO Defense studies.
There's also the Apariq report (by an independent engineering firm) on a Corps whistleblower's allegations validated by the Office of Special Counsel in the Justice Dept). And studies are still ongoing, and will be released in the next 18 months.
[Thursday, October 14, 2010 10:58:33 AM]
~Editilla Crowtellas~ Here's one just for LAFs (Local Affiliate Friends:) of N-PR
Love Ya, NPR, But You're Wrong
~Jeff Jarvis
Charity: Water
~A Growing Teenager Diary
LA coast gets $800k for revitalization project ~WBRZ
Slidell-area drainage district seeks increase in parcel fee
~Christine Harvey
Save the date and exercise your brain with Sop: The RAND Gulf States Policy Institute is hosting an Insurance Forum on October 20 ~slabbed
BP Cans Cleanup Workers As More Oil Washes Up~Mac McClelland
I feel like crying~Houma Today
BP Dares You to Care…Re-drilling?
~Disenfranchised Citizen
Shrimpers, Enviros to Sue for Dispersant Info~Kate Sheppard
I am “physically sick” from “oil and dispersant” says fisherman
~Florida Oil Spill Law
US Sends 7th Bill To BP, Seeking $62.6 Million For Oil Spill Response
Oil spill claims administrator Kenneth Feinberg passes $1 billion mark
~David Hammer

~Canberra protest over dolphin hunts
Save Our Cemeteries Clean Up Day ~NOLA'hoods
Festivals to spotlight Tennessee Williams at 100~Shelia Byrd
Dueling Bloggers: Service
~Blackened Out
Fall cookbooks of local interest celebrate the South as well
~Judy Walker
Just because~Library Chronicles
Christie Jourdain: leader of the Pinettes Brass Band~Red Cotton
Warehouse Fest 2010 "Be Part of The Solution" Presented by United Way featuring The Generationals, Dee-1, Andrew Duhon, The Dirty Bourbon River Show, M@ People's Collective and Many More!~Humid Beings
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