Clear on risk, blame~TP Editorial
~Editilla gonna slice this loaded dice~
~Bita'Mea'Hegemon~Entertaining, the Timing of this Times Picayune feely'goody booty-kissitorial gaggle for the ASCECORPS, so close ahead of the imminent (they swear this time) final release of the much vaunted IPET report that is supposed to finally tell us what happened to our levees in 2005, why it happened,
what we got for our $23,250,000.
The Report is not even out yet (and yet) our Paper of Record can come out now in Favor of it?
Screw That Boo'Rah! This is no time for Levitation!
Who has the Picayune Memory?
Why must we enjoy the due diligence and find fond encouragement in the hard work from Ace Gumshoes Grissett and Schleifstein, their real dogged reporting of ASCECORPS shenanigans --only to have their scoops end up as kitty litter in da'box next to this bum'wipe???
This has been a long and controversial process, fraught with more incest than a Delta Outhouse or insight between the ASCE and the CORPS. Hence, I cannot understand the need to fluff-up the ASCECORPS before the Report is published...

the merry engineers who then stuffed those levee repairs with Times Picayune newspaper, the very engineers who's repair job still leaks at the 17th Street Canal,
the same people who initially tried to screw us over the Pumps, these same engineers who continue try to screw us to juggle the Costs of Flood Protection for South Louisiana to the tune of BILLIONS$$$,
the same ASCE group who spent our tax money to travel the country lecturing municipal engineers with a miscreant Public Relations Seminar, the ASCE group who initially did the suspect "Review" of IPET which drew formal Ethics Inquiry from Member Engineers.
We are already getting lost in these different reports
so here is the Picayune's ERP.~~for which by the way the Exquixotic Corps awarded the fakirs a Medal!
Here is the ILET "counter report" to IPET.
I have other links, other heads on this Babylon Hydra,
but what is the point any longer?
I mean, just over a year ago, the ASCE was all ho'cutie with IPET and traveling the country singing its praises. What gives now?
Jus'wonderin, what is in this for the Times Picayune to basically cheer-lead this Engineering Report? Why try to set up such a pretty picture of ASCE --who works for the CORPS-- and the CORPS --who works for Satan, as if these two bitches have finally found a cur? ASCE has already gotten caught with thier hands in the Corps pants numerous times by a little grassroots pack of Louisiana Catahoulas. ASCE has not suddenly "gotten religion". These assholes have committed crimes and are trying to cover their mouths. The CORPS has not changed the way they do Business. This is most obvious in the way they hold our lives over a flood plain right now. What happened to New Orleans in 2005 was a Crime and someone is going to Pay Goddamn It
--because what happened there can happen literally anywhere in America!
Where do we draw the Line between ASCE and the CORPS? My God, the real culprits of the Flood of New Orleans will get away with it, lost in the 20,000 page IPET report or the ERP/ASCE "peer" review or within the $11 Billion Budget for the Morganza Levee, or failing infrastructure across the country. Thank you Times Picyune! Glad you are on our side here.
LED: Hurricanes Gustav and Ike Economic Impact Assessment
Jindal pushes for faster recovery
Hurricane Ike destroys 49 oil platforms in Gulf~Inspections and tests keep much natural gas, oil from flowing
~Meridian Resource Provides Update On Operations Affected by Hurricanes
~Callon Petroleum Company Reports No Significant Impact to Facilities Due to Hurricane Ike
~W&T Offshore platforms sink because of hurricanes
Storm-surge damage a problem in insurance claims
Fat Cats - Adjuster can make $300K in 6 months ~slabbed
How Much Will Gustav and Ike Affect Gas Supplies?
~Gail the Actuary
Many Suffer As Result of Illegal Mining~Shrouded in secrecy by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, and protected by the complacency of public officials, the proposed mine expansion was approved without the opportunity for public input. The mining permit prepared by the Army Corps failed to include limits for selenium, which when released into the environment by mining, causes deformities, reproductive failures, and the eventual collapse of fish population in nearby waterways. This case is yet another example of the failure of the Corps and its pandering to coal companies rather than carrying out the responsibilities entrusted to the agency.
A Week of Hazard -- Moral and Otherwise~A desperate plan to buy distressed assets from banks tipped the U.S. into an era of privatized profits and socialized losses, but this mother of all bailouts managed, for now, to halt the frightened flight of funds from the U.S.
A note to New Orleanians in exile~David Rutledge
Women Doing Good~NO Bull
Elemental/Environmental: Lecture & Discussion~NOPA
October 10-16 ~'Bees' the buzz
New Thursday evening music Lafayette Square
Ani DiFranco
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