Levee district tax decision today~Sheila Grissette
Public hearing tonight on $1.8 billion master plan for New Orleans public schools
Ike survivors, officals give FEMA mixed reviews ~Daily Comet
Assessing Ike's Flood Damage
~A strong category two, Hurricane Ike pushed a projected 11 and a half feet of storm surge on Southwest Louisiana. "There are projections that suggest a category 3 hurricane making landfall a little bit closer to this area would have actually posted storm surge even higher. And that creates concern," said Lake Charles Mayor Randy Roach.
A familiar scene: Convoy leaves today heading for Galveston
~City leaders here are packing up and headed to Galveston, Texas, armed with three years' worth of hurricane-recovery experience. Mayor Brent Warr said a convoy from Gulfport will leave today to help guide the storm-battered island through the early days of recovery." There are a lot of things we would've done differently in those early days after Katrina," Warr said. "And we're basically just going there to help answer questions and help them push through the (red tape)."
~Arrival note.
Mayor Nagin "The Pricktator" Declares State of Emergency
Due To Ike
Mayor to Rescind Executive Order ~Walter Gallas
"At least you have the land"
~Library Chronicles
Governor Jindal Letter to President Bush
Critics: It's wrong to evict evacuees~Katy Reckdahl
Missouri Coalition For The Environment. v. U.S. Corps of Engineers
The Mississippi River & Tributaries (MR&T) Project
Corps Permits for Emergency Repairs to Previously Authorized Projects
CA County: Flood maps flawed
Response agencies scramble to keep up with storm season
What Hurricane Ike Taught Us About Human Nature
"Operation Teacup"

Louisiana's Recovery Corps offers lessons on "realities of recovery"
~Facing South
U.S. charities unprepared for disaster, study says
AIIS Critical Commodities Conference To Debut in New Orleans
Windstorm association won't cover surge
~The Texas Windstorm Insurance Association says it only intends to pay Gulf Coast policyholders for wind damage, not water surge damage. Association general manager Jim Oliver said on a conference call with industry representatives: "It will be our intention not to pay surge losses. Period."
Initial Loss Estimates
Clients Are a Tad Worried Right About Now – What Should You Tell Them?
Oil's hurricane recovery: Slow going
Drivers' rush to fill up caused gas spike
IEA yet to decide on strategic oil stocks release
EPL Discusses Impact of Hurricane Ike
Biloxi Marsh Lands Corporation
Patterson Pumps
Hurricane Ike further damages Texas' fragile coastal ecosystem
Urban Forest Strike Team
The Earthmaker~Did We Survivie Katrina or Not?
John Cleary Has a New One Out!
~Oh thank you, John, and ...Squeeze My Lemon!
Inaugural Deep South Music Festival Sept. 27 at Oysterella’s on the Mobile Causeway
~Jeez Louie! He's Everywhere!
Licorice Stick Gumbo:
The Masters of New Orleans Jazz Clarinet
New Orleans Jazzfest pioneer works to preserve Newport festival legacy
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