Hello New Orleans.
How’s ya momanem?
~Daneeta Loretta
~Editilla Consuellas~Our Maidanem,
She calling her childrens home...
La. Guard proud to patrol close to home after Gustav
St. John, St. Charles dig out, clean up~Victoria St. Martin
State social services chief resigns~Bill Barrow
Tribune Names General Manager of New Orleans TV Stations

Anti -truancy effort for New Orleans
<--Please click.
Leve(E)nter- tainment: Down to the bare basics
~The New Orleans Levee
~Vallas’ decision to hire local strip-tease star Minx to teach burlesque as a vocational offering in the public schools beginning this semester was singled out by President Bush during his recent visit to New Orleans for “mixulating New Orleans culture and economic opportunity.”
Failure to resolve disputes hampers recovery efforts
~Bruce Alpert
Authorities vow to force holdouts off Texas coast
Galveston Faces Health Crisis as Authorities Begin Recovery from Hurricane Ike
Galveston: “Nothing to come here for right now" ~slabbed
Gulf rigs adrift, one unaccounted for, in aftermath of Ike
No Judicial Review of CORPS Jurisdictional Determinations Under APA
~Real Estate and Construction Law Blog
Corps Jurisdictional Determinations are not Final Agency Actions under APA
~Environmental Law Prof Blog
Fairbanks Northstar Borough v. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers

John Folse inside the freezer at his food processing facility in Donaldsonville.
Terrebonne barrier island disappears after Gustav
Register separately for aid for Gustav, Ike ~WWL
Mo. sends social service workers to help Gustav victims
Corps cuts releases from Missouri River reservoirs
Required Readings for the Day
~Liptrap's Lament - The Line
Library Chronicles
~Editilla Gotta Tol'yaz~ Aaaain't many people who can leave me ssstuttterin'spppeechless nosirrrree. Whoa!
Does it not get hot in Houston anymore? ~Did We Survive Katrina or Not?

“The first rule of s’mores club is you do not talk about s’mores club." ~Alison Fensterstock
Hurricane Gustav
and some Inventions in SF
~MF Korn Louisiana Melancholic
The Chicago Sanitary and Ship Canal Aquatic Nuisance Species Dispersal Barrier
I bet I know where you got dem white shoes
~Your Right Hand Thief

New thumb'sized editions
from Rope-a-Dope Collaborative
7th Annual New Orleans Bookfair~It's never to early to Register.
Women Chefs & Restaurateurs hold annual meeting in
New Orleans this weekend

~The G Manifesto
Auditions for the Heritage School of Music Rescheduled
Howdy do. Thanks for the link. It looks like ya'll are the one stop shop for daily blog news in New Orleans, so I've subscribed to the blog.
Thanks, also, for the link!
Well Aint't Y'all Sweet!
Thank'yaz fo'stoppin by!
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