We will have a Basket Ball player in the White House, who happens to think in paragraphs and speak in complete sentences. "Mom in Chief" (her words)
is a Harvard Educated Lawyer. Jus'sayin... whoa!
I think that is a great thing.
Comment by Keith Olbermann on Prop 8 ~Hrrmph!
I Can’t Marry Someone I Love? ~Gentilly GirlFag'less Mormon Underwear->
"I keep hearing this term "re-defining" marriage.
If this country hadn't re-defined marriage, black people still couldn't marry white people.
Sixteen states had laws on the books which made that illegal... in 1967. 1967.
The parents of the President-Elect of the United States couldn't have married in nearly one third of the states of the country their son grew up to lead. But it's worse than that. If this country had not "re-defined" marriage, some black people still couldn't marry...black people."
Mayor Hasn't Learned His Lesson~Jarvis DeBerry
New Orleans Mayor Disappears Amid Corruption, Crime, Scandal~Details Details
The Klan violently reappears
~Times Picayune

~Editilla's gotta Hammer~
We would like to point out that this man is a goddamn fool,
(or an Imperial Liar himself) whose "generation" experienced Exactly This in Jena two years ago, and this last year.
The biggest mistake people make when considering the social networking capabilities of Racially Inferior People (RIPs) is to forget that any dain'bramaged redneck can use Hand Cuffs.
"Just goes to show'ya.." is the same thing we always hear survivors say, as with German Concentration Camps, the Mass Graves around Sarajevo, and the Pedophiles of the Catholic Church, Mormon Child Marriages and Ballot Homotropia.
Well, I'll be Goddamned! Who'da thunk'it, eh?
Just a few miles away, a few states over the line.
Whoooo would have expected big-time authority figures like the US Army Corps of Engineers would build such Gruesomely, Criminally Fallible Flood Control Structures
--and kill 1000s and continue try to lie about it?
Who'da thought? But I guess that really isn't the same thing, eh?
Literally Right In Our Own Back Yards!
Just goes to show'ya... the Dead Can't Complain!
Nazis, Stupid Ass White People, Deviant Priests, Bad Presidents, ASCECORPS... who can complain? Who'ya gonna call?
Jus'sayin... just goes ta'show'ya...
--They Have Already Gone and Shown Us.
Corps of Engineers
Still Maintains Federal Flood
of New Orleans Was Katrina!
For a successful technology, reality must take precedence over public relations,~Paul Mlakar will pose the question "New Orleans and Hurricane Katrina: What happened and why?" Katrina, one of the strongest storms to hit the U.S. coast in the past century, produced a magnitude of destruction that brought extensive damage to the hurricane protection system and catastrophic failure to a number of structures, raising significant questions about the integrity of the system prior to the storm and its capacity to provide future protection, even after repairs.
for Nature cannot be fooled.
~Richard P. Feynman
As a senior research scientist for weapons effects and structural dynamics at the U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center in Vicksburg, Miss., Mlakar has spent his career studying these phenomena and will offer his seasoned perspective about the country's preparedness. He has looked at catastrophic, human-caused events such as the Oklahoma City Murrah Building bombing and the Pentagon terrorist attack and at natural events like Katrina. <-Dr. Raymond Seed begs to differ with this fakir's assesments.
~Editilla gotta warn'yaz~
This man, Bull Mlakar, and others like him have been touring the country speaking to Engineering Schools, telling this tale, framing this story. We believe that by spinning This Shit, with alarming frequency of press, the Corps Public Relations Contractors are attempting to slant the view of the MRGO lawsuit due in 185 Days.
This will be a trial by Jury. And, we are paying to taint it?
Don't get stuck on Stupid. These articles are "placed".
The Corps thinks it can simply keep telling people that it was Katrina, or local management, or natural sinking --when it was their own Bad Engineering that flooded New Orleans on 8/29.
We really need Executive Intervention here. We need the new President Barrack Obama, Commander in Chief, to address this issue of his subordinates' (US Army Corps of Engineers) insubordination. We really really need the 8/29 Investigation.
Why? Because we cannot forget...NEVERMORE!
Because Insanity requires this of us...
...the telling of this story over and over and over and...
A 30-mile levee sprint
~"This is an aggressive project," Interim Executive Director Bill Edgar told agency directors earlier this week in Yuba City.
"We're not standing around twiddling our thumbs."
While the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers has been pursuing what some local officials say is an off-again, on-again study of Sutter County flood protection, the agency wants to move ahead with state and local funded repairs before the Army Corps study makes its recommendations for flood-safety improvements in 2010.
Thousands of parked FEMA units destined to be sold for scrap ~Greg Garland

FEMA pays to clean waterways of debris from Hurricane Katrina but not Gustav ~Chris Kirkham
Bayou residents to gain cover during Thanksgiving blitz ~Laura McKnight
Bush Political Lackey Marc Racicot Curbed by American Insurance Association ~slabbed
The GOP: Architects of Another 'Great Depression'
~The Existential Cowboy
Endowed foundations in the
New Orleans area are seeing their investments erode

It's about...
~Our New Orleans Saints
R&B music legend Fats Domino documentary has special meaning to local filmmakers
Obama should bring jazz back to the White House
Voodoo Experience 2008
(The Hidden Voodoo)
~all abut Jazz
The people of the US had best wake up and read your blog. What the politicians did TO New Orleans is a foretaste of what is in store for everyone in the US who is NOT among the elite ONE percent of the total population. Just as New Orleans has been left to its fate or --worse --the developers, the rest of the nation will simply be abandoned in the BIG CRUNCH that is well underway.
Yep --Brownie did a helluva job! Just depends which side one is on. Brownie represented the GOP exploiters and their scabs. When they've milked the US for all it is worth, it will be left to its fate --just as New Orleans has been.
Well thank you very much, Len.
Ain't every day you find a Cowboy at yer side!
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