New Louisiana:
KKK vs. Black Panthers?
~Jeff Crouere
~James Brown say Get Down!
Editilla say Get Back Up Again!
Recall petition forming for Terrebonne Parish president
~Recall of New Orleans Mayor Ray Nagin?
~Editilla gotta holla~

He needs to leave office sooner than later --but wheneva and whereva he goes it should be with the Blackest Eyes of any mayor in the history of this city.
Otherwise, we will see him again and again just like the Morials.
Jus'sayin, at the very least Nagin should be getting pie in his face wheneva and wheneva he show it.
Malik Rahim 2008 Thomas Merton award recipient
Eve Ensler creates new play:
'Swimming Upstream' for the Katrina Warriors~Molly Reid
~The play premiered in April at the V-Day 10th anniversary celebration in New Orleans, and returns Tuesday for the first local repeat performance since its debut.
I Lost an Idol Today…
~Gentilly Girl~"I lost a beloved hero today...
--Gore Vidal. In an interview with Andrew Gumbel who asked him about Obama as president, Vidal replied:
“Slaves have a hard time making poetry,” he said, relishing the shock factor, “unless it’s got a beat.”
Now Vidal makes pithy statements all of the time. It’s one reason I liked him. He has a wonderful mind and the ability to see through the B/S that befuddle others, but this time he showed his fucking soul- he’s an aristocratic, Racist fuckmook."
New Orleans cemeteries reviving from neglect ~Mary Foster

Hurricane Katrina: Invisible to the Tourist Eye~Janet Morrison
~Everything is not fine.
Something about that seems terribly wrong.
The scars because of our terrible mistake are, unfortunately, hidden--except to those who continue to be affected.
The New Orleans Biennial beckons~The New Yorker
The New Orleans Biennial
Crescent City Connections
~2 from Ariella Cohen
The Scheme: What’s the first case on the docket - the blame game (Chapter 4 qui tam) ~slabbed
~It seems strange to me for the insurance industry to be one the nation’s leading players of blame the lawyer. Insurers employee so many that you’d think they liked lawyers a lot.
The Difference Between
Show Business and Business
~Harry Shearer
FEMA launches recovery Web site; information differs from City of New Orleans site
~Bruce Nolan
FEMA’s plans to clean waterway debris from 2005 hurricanes, but not from the 2008 hurricanes, leave many baffled ~Facing South
FEMA/EMI’s New "Principles of Emergency Management" ~SEMP
Army Corps projects quietly fuel Alaska economy
New standards force major facelift for Tanana River levee
~Without that work, the FEMA could wind up labeling much of Fairbanks, Alaska as officially flood-prone -- a change that could leave the community paying millions more, collectively, for individual flood insurance plans in the future.
TerraGo Technologies Congratulates Ray Caputo, Army Corps of Engineers, for USGIF Geospatial Intelligence Achievement Award Win
Doubts swirl about effectiveness of no-flush urinals
~The influential U.S. Green Building Council promotes no-flush urinals as a way to win its prized Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design endorsements. The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers specifies them for the service's future construction. Nobel laureate and former Vice President Al Gore is a board member of Falcon Waterfree Technologies of Grand Rapids, Mich., the leading no-flush urinal maker.
Still, an inconvenient truth hovers over the no-flush urinal industry. It's that many buyers and one-time fans say that the urinals are icky, tricky and costly to maintain.
(By process of elimination, Editilla just couldn't pass this one up!;)
RC helicopter used after Hurricane Katrina
Fred Cain Landscape Rake
Analysis of Disaster Response Plans and the Aftermath of Hurricane Katrina:
Lessons Learned From a Level I Trauma Center
City Park's front door is getting $2 Million makeover
~Frank Donze
Does Your Grocery Store Have You Crying Tears of Joy? ~Serious Eats
Businesses finding home in offbeat Marigny area
~Emilie Bahr
Copeland's Social City Launch Set for Nov. 21
White Beans and Andouille Sausage ~Cajun Cooking TV
Chuck Carbo: Good Things Come To Those Who Wait
~Home of the Groove
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