~Robert M. Poole
Few Crime Cameras Repaired After Gustav
~The city purchased 213 crime cameras, but nearly half of them are out of order. Some neighborhoods have few working cameras at all. Last May, someone was shot and killed right underneath one of those cameras.
Meanwhile, Crime Is Fought
~We Could Be Famous
"There's little to show for the
$7 million taxpayers have plunged down this rabbit hole."
~Your Right Hand Thief
Bye, Bye, White Girl
~Andrea Boll
Blind racist learns Obama isn't Irish~Cha Cha Pitchoulas
A President Who Asks for Help
Honore: Cultural shift key to storm preparedness
"Give Me Some Exuberance!"
These cranes only point down
~Library Chronicles
Give thanks to New Orleans cooking teachers for their best holiday tips and recipes
~Judy Walker
~Editilla wanna toll'yaz~
This will be perhaps the only TP article on da'Ladda today.
Please see yesterday's Tilla'Rant top lede.
We have begun a partial boycott of the Times Picayune because we never know when they will display Flash Adverts for the Corps of Engineers in order to Taint the Jury Pool before the MRGO lawsuit due in 181 days. Seeing these expensive PR Lies absolutely turns my stomach --which brings me to Judy Walker, who has always made my stomach feel at home.
It is about Soul Food, Our Food.
This also brings me to Keith Spera, Mark Schleifstein, Sheila Grissett, James Gill, Sheila Stroup, Eric Elie --just to name only a few of my regular favorites. We will follow our heroes, albeit reluctantly and with the greatest trepidation.
Chris Rose is now a book promoter who disgusts Editilla almost as much as any scurrilous Corps Spokesperson.
I suggest everyone give up on the TP for at least a week.
Seek out other news. When you see a TP headline online, go look for the story somewhere else. Don't look at the ads, and by all means do not click on the Corps Adverts because you will then be spending even more Tax Payer Flood Funds with each click.
Or, you can follow Editilla's lead and correspond with these other advertisers about the TP's Conflict of Interest.
Try to see what news there is elsewhere in New Orleans. See how damn shameful it is that the TP has been bought-off by the Corps.
What I'm getting at is we are done here with Weakest Links in our Flood Safety. The Corps of Engineers has Compromised our only major daily Press in New Orleans. Perhaps that is their intent in spending Tax Payer Flood Funds to Advertise in the TP.
Maybe they want the public to give up on expecting any kind of aggressive investigative journalism out of the TP.
It worked for me. I'm having a bad time with such a concept.
The statements in the Adverts are Patently False.
The Corps of Engineers is Increasing Risk by Spinning Hard --with that excruciatingly Bad Marketing Grammar To Boot...
like "Kwik Check" or "Bellyfeel Newspeak".
Is the TP working to become "Victory News"?
While the Mayor has obviously seriously screwed the City and Corruptly demolished homes at will the TP sat on its Ass.
While the Corps does whatever it wants post Federal Flood, the TP places ads for them, treats them like conquering Kings.
This is unmitigated bullshit because if/when those levees fail again, all the great journalists in the world are not going to protect us from the mayhem. Too much trouble is going down in town for the TP to simply play Nice.
The Corps of Engineers must be dealt with before any meaningful future can be even imagined in New Orleans. We need a local media outlet that is on the side of the City --not on the side of her Rapists. It is bad enough that this newspaper fails to inform the public about threats to their safety but I will be goddamned if they will be allowed to Promote the Perps.
So, until the TP comes off of it, they are on the side of the Murdering Rapists. Should Gentle'rillas think I'm smelling a bit strong here, just tell me first if you were in the the city when the levees failed and/or speak to me of the past 3 years of "recovery".
And this is only the beginning! HA!
Next (soon) we'll try to tell you what other media outlets have Flood on their Hands!
And before anyone axs, their new, concerned and extremely forthcoming Editor in Chief assures me Gambit is solid. Not that Editilla had any doubts about anyone who would carry their servers with them before a hurricane, it is so gratifying to be taken seriously about this, and reassuring that we won't have to render them into budan like like a Tiny Peccary.
Corps of Engineers to host youth deer hunt
Gustav may cost BR $14 million
~Scott Dyer
Recovery dollars for businesses could vanish~Jeremy Alford
NOAA Announces Up to $47 Million for Hurricane Damage to Fisheries
New Bankruptcy Law Restrictions Lifted for Scores of Hurricane Victims
~John Campbell
Armed with bat, man takes cat back from shelter before it's put down ~Debbie Denmon
Should the oil industry pay to fix coastal damage?
~Dennis Woltering
Cameron Diaz in New Orleans, Talks Green Architecture ~ecorazzi
Katrina Film: Attorney Jalene Mack Tackles Big Screen
Musicians Bringing Musicians Home IV Benefit Announced
~Plug in Music
New orchestra seeks to demystify classical music
~Frank Daugherty
A singer and his city
~Stacey Plaisance
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