~Editilla Kicks AssBuff~
We do not advertise for the Corps of Engineers. These trademarked images are posted as evidence of skulduggery and unethical collusion between the Times Picayune and the Corps.
Building Strong. Reducing Risk. This is the absolute opposite of what the Corps has (not) been doing in Terrebone Parish.
This is the rational opposite of what they had every intention of Not Doing with the Pumps had it not been for Matt McBride calling them out on rusted pipes. This is not in congroovience with using the Times Picayune News Paper as levee filler.
These are Buzz Words from Advertising. Spin'filtration. Pablum.
This is Glaring Conflict of Interests (GSI) by the Times Picayune.
The lede above links to my rant of September regarding this,
so I linked it here to show Gentle'rillas what is still going down behind your backs. We pay to pay more.
This Flash Advert above appears today on the story about "N.O. firm questioned in probe". Note: It may not be there when you go look as they seem to rotate on different pages. Slick bastards.
The Corps of Engineers will be in a Jury Trial in 182 Days.
They should not be legally allowed to Spend Tax Payers' Funding to engage in Public Relations before their Trial by Jury for definitely flooding the city of New Orleans August 29, 2005
The Corps is Lying through its Goddamned Teeth
with Tax Funded Advertising. Who paid the Sales Tax here TP?
Can we see the name of whoever signed-off on this expense?
Did the Times Picayune get a tax write-off?
The Corps isn't exactly a for-profit corporation, yet... right?
I say it is Wrong to Taint the Jury Pool with Public Relations.
What we have here is a failure to communicate!
What we have here is Shock Doctrine Disaster Capitalism.
What we have here is Fluff Flash Ads in the Newspaper read by the Demographic that will Seat the Corps' Jury in 182 days...
--about the start of next year's hurricane season.
That is what keeps me up about all of this shifty horse'doings:
the Corps is Not Reducing Risk
because they are Not Building Strong(er).
They are juggling books and waiting for us all to die off.
We were providentially lucky with Gustav,
--not protected by their sorry asses-- and Every Body Knows It.
Folks may not admit that, but we almost bought it again.
I can't do this again. Floods creep me out.
Back in September, I called Editor Peter Kovacs about this. He, glibly, argued that this practice is no different than taking money from a Candidate during election without supporting their View.
The Times Picayune needs to fire that Dumb Ass.
Editilla retorted that this practice is more akin to Advertising for a Murderer in the weeks before their trial for flooding New Orleans with MRGO. I hung up the phone feeling used, scammed.
Did anyone see a single Ad for William Jefferson in the TP? Jus'axin.
VP of Advertising Kelly Rose did not return my phone call seeking clarification on the TP's Ethics Policy.
Hey, y'all' I tried.
This Media Company has no published Company Ethics Policy, such as the NYT or 90% of the American Media Industry that I surveyed via telephone and email over a two week period after the last time the TP shoveled this shit into the streets.
They do not have one in either Print or Online editions, as recommended by 5 out of the 5 Journalism professors I asked.
Here are their emails.
Please ask them yourselves. Toll'em I sent you.
Ashton Phelps, publisher: aphelps@aol.com
James Amoss, Editor: jamoss@timespicayune.com
Peter Kovacs, managing editor-news: pkovacs@timespicayune.com
Kelly Rose, Vice-president advertising: krose@timespicayune.com
Then I spoke with TP Journalist Mark Schleifstein about this.
He literally wrote the book on this Path of Destruction with John McQuaid, also someone who I've found to be seriously straight-up. I will continue to trust this journalist, will seek him out regardless of how this shakes out with his paper...
--and this will shake out I promise.
He assured me that these ads are part of Nola.com and not part of the Paper Proper. I believed him and laid off of always placing a disclaimer beneath any TP article regarding the Corps and backing off of this Rant. How foolish was that, eh? Silly'tilla me!
Now...Editilla believes that a difference that makes no difference is no difference. If we can't trust journalists who can we trust?
I say this sounds like Bourgeois Naivity. I say the result of this view (the continuous positive advertising above for the Corps at Tax Payer Expense) is obviously ambiguous at best and at its worst is Shit in One Hand / Half-a-Dozen in The Other!
I say the result of this view is Soft Treatment of the Corps before they face the Largest Product Liability Lawsuit in History: MRGO.
I say it is wrong for the Corps of Engineers to use My Tax Money to make themselves shine before Trial. Indeed the Corps of Engineers needs to come up off of how much Flood Control Funding it is spending in Advertising and Public Relations overall. I suspect the amount would stun even those jaded by the current financial bailout. Who designs their slick website to which these ads lead the unsuspecting reader? How much of the Our Flood Control Funding is being used for these Advertisements? I will not allow the Corps of Engineers to spend our Flood Control Funding to tell us how glad we should be that they flooded our city and killed 1000s of our fellow citizens.
I say I say I say... because that seems to be all I can do. I certainly do not have the Funding for Advertising with the Times Picayune. Who has that kind of money? Levees.org does not have that kind of money. Neither does Pump to the River, or MRGO MUST GO!
We The People cannot compete with the Perps who Flooded Us.
We can't seem to Stop the Corps from continuing to Spinfiltrate their Responsibility for Bad Engineering. Indeed we reward it!
Editilla tried to call these people the nice way. Nothing but more Conflicts in Advertising. I have walked a long and troubled path since standing in the middle of that crime. Now we take the back hand path. This Shit Must Not Stand. Please contact the TP Editors and ask them yourselves. Maybe Editilla is wrong here.
I emailed all those listed above and we hope Gentle'rillas will too.
For every headline the TP posts we will try diligently to find another source. I cannot in good conscience support this paper when it supports the people who flooded our city and continue to run from the truth of that crime.
In fact, I see anyone who would stand on that side of the Levee with the Corps as standing apart from and against We The People Who Hold Truth To Be Self Evident...and who must always face the tragic results of such jailhouse punk'ass liaisons.
This is most disappointing due to my own admiration for most of the "journalists" who write for the TP --particularly Schleifstein, who seems to be getting his editor's finger in his ass while they pee down his leg and tell us it is only raining. And let this be a lesson to all Safe Flood Control Advocacy groups all across the country: Divided We Drown!
Priorities of the corps need reform~Maura Wood
Group sues Army Corps to get sand tested~Donna Weaver
Ethics cases delayed
~Marsha Shuler
State asks feds to OK funds for N.O. hospital
~Allen Johnson Jr.
Honoré speaks of readiness
~Robert Scott
SDT employee says company dumped raw sewage in City Park ~Lee Zurik
Black leaders start meeting today in New Orleans to discuss change ~Becky Bohrer
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