Katrina flooding judgment hearing; lawsuit sues engineering firm
~Ian Kramar WWL
The City of New Orleans was devastated by flood wall failures at the 17th Street Canal, London Avenue Canal, Orleans Avenue Canal, and Industrial Canal. Despite admitting that it was negligent in designing and constructing the flood walls that failed, the United States Corps of Engineers has steadfastly refused to accept liability for the harm they caused by relying upon a statutory immunity created in The Flood Control Act of 1928.
Joe Bruno continues to hold the Corps accountable for the devastation of New Orleans through the appellate courts.
Editilla jus'got oooone thing to say...
Corps will discuss Bayou St. John tonight~Sheila Grissett
9th Ward Concerned About Army Corps Construction

~Jen DeGregorio
"They (Corps) specifically didn't answer the questions that we raised to the judge," said Jill Witkowski, an attorney for the groups that sued. "They've come back with six volumes that don't answer our questions."
Corps plans canal upgrade
~Paul Rioux
Study lists causes, solutions for Mohawk Valley NY flooding
Green River flows climb in WA; Snoqualmie River very high
WVa dams tapped as potential hydropower project
~An Ohio company is looking at whether it makes economic sense to convert three West Virginia flood control dams into hydroelectric generating stations.
The Scheme - first there were just word games (Chapter 2) ~slabbed
Water, water everywhere
nor any drop to drink.
Water, water everywhere
now insurance won’t sink.
Joe Lieberman: Backstabbing, Lying Trash~Brendan Callingnor any drop to drink.
Water, water everywhere
now insurance won’t sink.
~"Lieberman, many will recall, was responsible for holding hearings into the government’s response to Hurricane Katrina. But after winning his 2006 election with the help of the GOP, he decided it would be too “divisive” and refused to do so…."
KKK killing evokes bad memories in Louisiana
~Hattie Dillon got a first-hand taste of the racial hatred that gripped this city in the 1960s when a metal bolt flung by someone in an angry crowd gashed her head as she marched for civil rights.
On Wednesday, sitting on her front porch just off Main Street, the 61-year-old said Bogalusa is better now.
"History was made this month," Dillon said, referring to Barack Obama's election as the nation's first black president.
"Then our eyes opened again."
~Editilla Notellas~The more Eyes the Better!
Rumors say KKK could be in BR
~The Ku Klux Klan could be alive and well in the Capital City area. News 2's Luke Margolis explains where the white supremacists could be setting up.
The KKK took my baby away
~Your Right Hand Thief
A Bad Day Gets Worse For
Ray Nagin~We Could Be Famous
~Special thanks~Library Chronicles
Methinks They Doth Protest Too Much~Gentilly Girl

"For my Gentle Readers in the New Orleans area, go here. The event goes down at 1300 Perdido St, The New Orleans Courthouse, from 12:30 to 3:30 pm.
Be there and not be square.
This is about my tribes’ right to be treated equally under the Law. It’s about our rights as Human Beings."
LSVI has sex issues similar to LSD’s~Sonia Smith
~A month after the Louisiana School for the Deaf was closed temporarily after reports of sexual misconduct came to light, state Superintendent of Education Paul Pastorek told legislators Wednesday that similar issues exist at the School for the Blind.
Midway Airport Lease Could Inspire Austin, Milwaukee and New Orleans
All Diabetics Should Prepare
~Galveston County Daily News
Hurricane Katrina Resource Maps from the US Census Bureau~Y'all know how we love Maps!

Students’ crops feed the hungry
~Organic vegetables fresh from the garden will end up on the menu at St. Vincent de Paul’s dining room soon thanks to LSU student gardeners.
Acorns of Hope
- Save the Gulf Coast!!
~Reach Out for New Orleans
On the real reason my kitchen is always a mess~Ms. Anita
Liptrap went'a Prospecting
City budgets money for destruction of lower Mid City
~Squandered Heritage

~Porter will be signing her 200-page book, “Backyards & Beyond: Mississippians and Their Stories,” which was drawn from the organization’s traveling exhibition. The book features 81 of the artist’s subjects and their stories in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina.
Chin Music Press at the NOLA Book Fair~Don't miss the New Orleans Book Fair this Saturday on the 500 and 600 blocks of Frenchman Street.
New Orleans,
City of Living Metaphor
~Bourgeois Nievete
St. Clement of Rome Oyster Festival in Greater New Orleans

Jimmy Webb at the 1st N.O. Songwriters Festival
Nocturne VI
featuring Idil Biret Nov. 30
Ritz-Carlton New Orleans
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