to see for myself… mind games fuck a pig mind games… fingerlickin chickinpickin meat city shookdown u.s.a …mind games
Prospector.I artist,
Yawning Dave McKenzie,
practices inspired
~Doug MacCash
"If some people don't think it's art, that's OK, " McKenzie said. "Being an artist is a way of looking at the world."~Editilla Grotellas~Well I'll be Damned! I ♥ !
OK'ville, gee, I thought that being human was a way of looking at the world, as opposed to seeing the world as a rodent or a pretty butterfly from the grill of a speeding truck. But to me Art speaks for itself, as da'world expressing, On Purpose.
Hell, any dumb asshole can shit in the woods, but without Artists how would we ever know it really happened? Jus'sayin...
We gonna give Mr. MacCash a pass here since he is new and from some other place (and after re-reading this article a few times we sense his tongue-biting good manners at not ridiculing this punk'artist into the ground)(and frankly we also very much enjoy his articles) (and we don't expect to find MacCash sitting in one of those Boulder Colorado Type sushi clubs taking over Mid City.)(Prenthetically speaking:)
Buuuut...we still do not know how much this Fakir in the article was paid to "take in" the city?
That is the story we need to see: how much money rich philanthropists have paid this bitch (and these other bitches) to "be" here in the City That Care Forgot and Californicating Artbiz Carpetbaggers Salivate to Defile?
Prospector.I, seems to me, is taking on a script to be more about showing the Big Art Land (BAL) how much vacant real estate we have in which to invest, rather than becoming an expression of our City's very real cultural information...
--or worse: that we are a Zoo full of Captured Animals.
It does not matter to me as much that this shitload of Prospector money comes from outside sources to be paid to outside sources. What bothers me is that these Art Industry people would not have a reason to live (or a penny to their forkin'names)
--without Big Art Money (BAM) --while New Orleans Artists have always existed (and thrived) despite that, if not To Spite That!
It bothers Editilla to no end to watch my friends just trying to get their Art back together and survive --the whole time continuing to make their Art-- while these Contemporary Art Cocks (CACs) Now Have Something To Crow About. Bobble Head My Ass!
I don't know... this whole thing is starting to look really patsy... like shopping for artsy roadkill.
I mean... that goddamn Ark in the 9th ward doesn't even float. And, for the record, I'd be willing to bet that Dave McKenzie is Not a New Orleans artist any more than I expect Mayor Nogin to actually get the Shock Doctrine.

~Edtitilla crowellas~
Hey everyone! BAT SIGNAL
Go check out how the comments are going over at the Levees blog as it appears to me, that a Corps of Engineers employee, may have reared his smarmy punk'slapped ass to harass again! Why would Editilla think this is the Bilious Little Timmy (BLT)? Could be the feint signature of maniacal repetition Peace at a time.
In Praise of a Rocky Transition ~Naomi Klein Special Thanks~The Point Is
Integrity center chides Jindal on claims~Michelle Millhollon
Jindal to unveil health ‘concept paper’ today
THE most truthful commercial I've ever seen~Penny Sanford
~I just heard a new Allstate Insurance Company slogan in one of their commercials:"Just because you are insured does not mean you are covered".
A Tale of Two Mississippi Banks ~slabbed
Trauma Drama
~Prytania Waterline
Louisiana Recovery Authority Chronicles Ike, Gustav ~BBuzz
Acorns of Hope return to Terrebonne~Daily Comet
RFID-based System Tracked Victims of Hurricanes Gustav, Ike~Mary O'Connor
Video: Students impacted by Hurricane Katrina take action on global warming
GNO Inc.'s workforce survey reveals obstacles to growing the New Orleans area labor pool ~Jaquetta White
Feds provide worker training money for New Orleans
~Becky Bohrer
Crowds flock to first car auction since Katrina~WWL
Orleans Levee District millage boosted~Sheila Grissett
USACE Plays Hardball
What Is NorthCom Up To?
~Matthew Rothschild
Denis of Cork gets ready
for New Orleans comeback
Japan in New Orleans
...PoBoy Maki Roll!
~bindifry's itty bitty brain basket
Flea Market Vinyl - New Orleans Jazz and Heritage Festival 1976 ~Jim McGuin
The MacCash article was...something.
Yes. It took me a few cups of coffee to get passed wanting to urinate on it, then I have to consider MacCash's other work --which I enjoy.
Thanks Kevin.
Ricky Williams "was" a talented running back? Whoever that "was" who tore up the Seahawks last week still "is" talented, if you ask Mike Holmgren.
errrrrrah, K...
Calling K... Come In, K...
I think we have somehow patched into your cellphone conversation or something. We don't usually do sports unless the Saints win.
So have you actually commented on our blog about another conversation on another blog? Wow... coooool.
And, uh, sorry about the Seahawks, Mon.
I know that's rough.
Moi? Mr. MacCash made a reference to Ricky W. Of course, I didn't consider that Ricky may be dead to Saints fans.
Oooohhhh K!
I do read these articles. HA!
I had thought that Ricky Williams allusion so inane that it dropped right out of my head and gone.I had no idea what you were talking about because I am constantly misunderestimating sports fans, particularly smart ones, and what can get their goat at any given moment.
This is forking hilarious!
Now that you brought it up, I had thought McKenzie was being coy and cute in the allusion --rather than "arbitrary" as MacCash thought and that is what pissed me off. Like when someone is laughing right in your face, so they just say something even more offensive and laugh some more? That is how the whole scene strikes me... like a bobble'head laughing in our faces. I didn't even know where Williams is playing! HA!
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