New Orleans Literary Festival
Fiction Writing Contest
Vatican might expel activist priest~Bruce Nolan
~Bourgeois, a member of the Maryknoll order, said the Vatican recently gave him 30 days to formally recant his position in favor of women's ordination, or face excommunication.
Burma activists sentenced to 65 years each in draconian crackdown

is being made to pay for his impertinence and courage as a committed poet. Mr Saw Wai’s poem, entitled 14th February, was ostensibly a Valentine’s Day verse published in January last year in a weekly magazine. “You have to be in love truly, madly, deeply and then you can call it real love,” it read. “Millions of those who know how to love, Laugh and clap those gold-gilded hands.”
The first word of each line, however, spelt out a message about the leader of the country’s military government: “Power Crazy Senior General Than Shwe”. Mr Saw Wai was charged with harming “public tranquillity”.
Fair Housing and Civil Rights Groups File Federal Lawsuit in Post-Katrina Housing Discrimination Case
~Today civil rights and fair housing groups filed a federal lawsuit against the U.S. Department of Housing & Urban Development and the Louisiana Recovery Authority.
The suit alleges that the Road Home, Louisiana's Hurricane Katrina recovery program, discriminates against African-American homeowners in New Orleans.
U.S. Attorney General Jim Letten: Society's gain is newshound's loss ~James Gill
Tased and Confused…slabbed
Louisiana: Where Progress Comes to Die
~New Orleans - It's just me

~Special thanks YRHT
Every day
is Veteran's Day
for every American,
every soldier,
every President
--especially after we welcome them all home.
This Week's Top Stories on the Cabinet NewsLadder
Water issues seen as likely priorities under Obama
~Katherine Boyle
Canal lock meeting tonight
~Jen DeGregorio
~After finally getting off the ground a few years ago, the lock replacement faced another setback when U.S. District Judge Eldon Fallon ordered the corps to stop work on the project in late 2006. Fallon said the corps would have to further study the project's environmental effects after community and environmental groups sued, saying the agency did not fully assess the toxicity of materials dredged during construction.
Don't take it personal, Louisiana.
The Corps of Engineers is an equal opportunity fakier.
Artifacts could delay Oakville levee project
Fusionbox Opens New Orleans Advertising Agency
Gift to help replace BR trees
Galveston Newspaper Photos Capture Hurricane Ike Losses, Heroism~The Galveston newspaper that did not miss an edition although Hurricane Ike blew its roof away, is compiling a coffee-table book telling the story of the storm and its effects through photos shot by staffers.
The "Galveston County Daily News," will publish the book as a full-color photographic essay of the storm's story from beginning to end, including the first stages of the area's recovery process.
New ferris wheel makes its debut at City Park today

Abita's new beers are distinctly local
~NO Levee
~Abita’s latest seasonal brews take on a truly local flavor, ranging from the Ray Nagin Stagnation Ale, right, to the Bill Jefferson Beholden Golden.
~Editilla Hop'elita Congratulatas
to'da Big Molluski!~
OysterDog:This beer is made from real, fermented Louisiana oysters and goes really good with beer.
LEVEE SPILL: Basically a bottle of oysters, but with a a kick. After two dozen you wonder how you got through that many and who’s going to clean up the mess.
Early Bird Gets the Wurst
~Ian McNulty
Royal Teddy Bear Tea
~and photos from Sharon Keating
John Goodman signs up for locally shot film 'Alabama Moon' ~Mike Scott
'Fats Domino, Walking back to New Orleans'~Stacey Plainsance

The shows include the exotic, the dramatic and the insane:
drama, dance, one-person shows, cabaret, comedy, puppetry, clowning, circus/sideshow, improvisational, aerialist and many other creative works. Please check out Noah Bonaparte Pais' excellent piece in this week's Gambit.
~Editilla suspictuuuulatas~
These folks probably aren't tied to Prospector I ...ya't'ink?
Nolafunk Lagniappe
Dubla @ Tropicana Nights!
Lady Fingaz~Christina Li
No Fuego to realize dream on House of Blues stage
~Kaiya Morrison
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