The New Trough~Naomi Klein
~"The Wall Street bailout looks a lot like Iraq
— a "free-fraud zone" where private contractors cash in on the mess they helped create"
AIG's Losses Lead Insurers as Tally Nears $1 Trillion ~Bloomberg
America's Top Credit Card Company Becomes Bank Ya'Heard Me?~Seeking shelter amid a global credit crunch and consumer spending slowdown, American Express announced Monday it is becoming a bank.
Obama, Cities, and This City
~We Could Be Famous
Veterans Day and Weather
~Hurricane Harbor

Northshore murder linked to KKK ritual
Oxford American does New Orleans 3 years passed
Judge orders expropriation of land for MR-GO closure
~Bob Warren
The Scheme – the best place to hide a needle (Chapter 1) ~slabbed~The best place to hide a needle is in a haystack of needles.
Audit targets expense reports
~The most recent state audit of Louisiana Citizens Property Insurance Corp. questions $106,579 in expenses turned in by the company’s former chief executive officer.
~Oh Yeah, Terry Lisotta Welcome to Slabbed
Council unhappy with signs of recovery
Lower Ninth residents worried they won't be heard in Master Plan ~Susan Edwards
Habitat to work with city on designs~Christine Harvey
From Debris Pile to New Homes ~Ken Belson
Amtrak: Business, politics in train tug-of-war~Sarah Karush
Tazewell Morton show marks the return of PASS ART
~Pam Firmin
<~Blue Crab on a Stick is a wood and clay work by Tazewell Morton. It is among approximately 100 pieces large and small to be seen at his exhibition opening Saturday at Blue Skies Gallery in Pass Christian
Signs of New Orleans: An evening with Tom Varisco and Jackson Hill~Humid Haney
True Colors Theatre delivers poetic justice in Swimming Upstream ~Curt Holman
Christian Scott
- Live At Newport (2008)
~Something Else!
Congratulations, Editilla! Has it been a year already? Wow, keep up the great work, cuz... You da man!
Thank you, Big Molluski!
You'da Oyster!
Yer like ...a mentor'dude!
At the very least a Bloggero, yes! Even Editillero!
I was going back over those first "damn primitive" posts and saw YRHT hung on the 3rd day.
The thrill of waiting for your punchlines is just has fine now as it was then.
The rest is Edistrillonics.
Mazel tov on this full circle! May there be many more consecutive posts.
Thanks Youz, Mz. Liptrap!
Now this is starting to feel like a real Birthday Partay!
You've always been a real Herollero fo'da Ladda! Mighty'Muse... Venus on'da Half Shell! Sista'Mo'Larry'n'Curly!
Stop me please!
Yer so sweet.
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