Oh Well, another one bites the dust.
Now What? Ethics Privatization?
~Editilla Notellas~This Is Not Fun! This is depressing.
You all remember how the Times Picayune sat on its ass while the city ran rampant on home demolitions? Remember when they found this newspaper mixed into the concrete floodwall repairs?
In case you had any doubts about who butters this news paper's bread, please contact one of their journalists... or read their books since they all seem to be writing them these days.
This sucks so bad I cannot describe the let'down, nauseating.
The pic above is what greeted me this morning first thing.
It is a web-shot of the front page story by Mark Schleifstein.
You can see his name right there next to Uncle Sam Daddy.
I did not lay this out this way, but snapped a pick of the page as it appears to the unsuspecting MRGO Jury Pool Demographic.
Please click to enlarge. Pretty blatant don't you think? Unfortunately they are viewable online all over the country.
New Orleanians are probably unaware that this is going on, if they only read the print issue before it makes it to a Corps Flood wall repair. I mean, is this levee'filler or what? It is a good thing I take pics of these Expensive Flash Ads, since they probably aren't there when you go to check. They rotate throughout the paper, come and go like ghosts or like those ads in science fiction movies that follow you down the street calling your name, "Hey, Stupid!" I mean, when the Times Picayune puts its senior "wetlands/corps issues" journalist's place on the food chain so blatantly low...
--what more is there to say about this?
We hope this sold-out former gumshoe might ask fellow author John McQuaid for a place in his next story.
Maybe Chris Rose needs a lawn jockey?
Obviously Mark needs the work according to his Amazon.com bio:
Have a tour group coming to New Orleans?Well that explains the touristy character his articles have taken lately. He probably knows a few ghosts stories too, since his newspaper died in the aftermath of the flood. I don't mind paying for ghosts tours. They are pretty entertaining if you don't know anything and score a good storyteller. And, at least the host will at some point during the show look at you and wink, let you know, ahem, they are not professional journalists. We would like to remind everyone that apparently neither is Mark Schleifstein,Feel free to contact me to provide your group with a presentation explaining what happened in New Orleans before, during and after Hurricane Katrina:Mark
a journalist that is --at least not according to any Code of Professional Journalistic Ethics that I can find.
He appears to have varied commercial, financial interests in his trade: tour-guide, book seller, day job... who knows what else.
This makes me so angry I could eat bricks because I believed this man and laid off of my criticisms of his paper's now obvious conflict of interest. This is bullshit and it is wrong.
How are we supposed to know what is actually going on with our levees, when the people tasked to report on those levees are being paid by the people who built those levees criminally negligent and flooded the city?
I do not understand.

For one thing, with regard to flood safety, Schleifstein seems to write more and more these days about climate change and less and less about engineering failures. Simply put, you will not even find the words Corps of Engineers in his article today about the passed hurricane season. Not One Word about the lack of levee work done in south Louisiana which contributed to their devestating flooding. No. Of course it is climate change. Get with the program, people. Climate change. Big Weather. Ooooohhhh.... Ghosts! Not An Engineering Problem!
Whatever Mr. Schleifstein has written in the past is completely compromised by these Flash Advertisements. All of his research, all of his fact-checking are flushed down the toilet and rendered irrelevant by these expensive ads of how the Corps is:
"Building Strong. Reducing Risk". What the hell does that mean?
Those are Marketing Words. Pablum. Spin.
If you follow my links you can see how the timing of the placement of these ads has accelerated, at least on the ones I have caught (quite by accident every time by the way).
The reason for this is because a marketing company has their eye on the ball: the jury, as we still look to the ground: civil engineers. Attorneys will begin trying to seat a Jury for the MRGO lawsuit around February. That jury will come from the Times Picayune readership area. Y'all getting this yet? Quiche Capiche?
Building Strong Reducing Risk. That is why they call them Flash Ads. Come and gone. Poof! Reducing Risk Building Strong Army. Army Strong Reducing Risk Building.
In the meantime, the Trial of the Century in response to the Greatest Civil Engineering Failure in History is coming, and whoever pays for these Corps of Engineers Advertisements is also paying Mr. Schleifstein's salary at the Times Picayune.
Oh? That would be the American Taxpayer?
Get outta heah! Why would I advertise for the Perps who tried to drown me in '05 --especially in the months before their trial...
for in fact drowning the city of New Orleans?
HA! That would be getting stuck on stupid. Right?
Another Milestone
~Clancey Dubos
Reflections on Last Week’s LSU and VA Medical Center Announcements ~Walter Gallas
Politics with a Punch~BBuzz
Brad Pitt "High"
From New Orleans Project
Latino Labor
~Richard A. Webster
Great post! Such passion! Thanks to people like you who really care, maybe these scoundrels will always be exposed!
Thanks Haynau! This is getting a bit over my head according to legal council. I really want to know if other people consider this a dangerous conflict of interest for the Corps to be doing public relations aimed at the very demographic that will seat the Jury in their MRGO trial in 170 days.
We do not have the money to compete with this sort of Spin'Filtration by the Times Picayune and the Corps. Ironically, we are the ones paying for the Corps Adverts with our Tax Dollars. So much for Flood Funding, eh?
If anyone knows an attorney interested in this issue please hip them to me.
Thanks again.
No part of the armed forces should be allowed to advertise anything anywhere. The commercials that show troops doing everything but fight in a war are as reprehensible as the movie theatre ads that glorify war.
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