~From the back hand path: Didn't we already shoulder $450,000,000 gone for these defective pumps? That money is spent and gone. I am angry about that. The Corps Lied about those Bad Pumps and we shelled out Half A Billion. They stuck it to us while we were vulnerable --to reward their friends. Now they want more tax dollars to repair this problem? Someone explain to me where the Citizens of New Orleans are the problem here???
Go find somebody else's punk and ram this ASCE'fork down their throats for Goddess' sake.
We obviously cannot believe the Corps New Orleans District's own costs estimates for these Options based on their own design specs. Their word is feces.
They are liars. They are Lying Engineers.
So they say "$3.4 billion and 12 years for Option 2 or $3.6 billion for Option 2a". I say Hog Urine. I say they are pulling these costs out of their ASCE. I say we Fire Every One of Those Gangland Thugs on Leake Street. Yes, get rid of the whole Lot.
What else do we have as an alternative? More of this extremely obvious contractual molestation? Who will tell the last person standing that they must pay for more flood control?
Corps of Engineers New Orleans District now Spokesperson for New Orleans Sewage and Water?
~Dixclaimer! Warning! Bat Signal!~
~Editilla Ro'tellas a Ho'tella fo'da Co'tellas~

the Bride of Corpsenstein, Sheila Grissett, leaves the Question of our Flood Safety open to The 1000 Yard Stare.
We should come up with an award specifically for this re-animated gumshoe, along the lines of a Bent-over Pulitzer, or perhaps even
The PT Barnham Award for Shameless Public Relations Press'da'digitation.
Since when did the New Orleans District Corps become the spokesperson for the New Orleans SWB?
Her failure to include SWB statements aside, did this copy writer get a look'see at any "SCADA Data" on the Run Times for those Pumps? We must Ax, since we cannot trust the shifting word of this Corps "Yeah Man". He said (in reference to the recent Hydraulic Pumps Questioning) 12-13 hours during Ike and Gustav in her last article on him --which was proven (with a wristwatch calculator?) to be a ridiculous amount of Water to have on hand at those pumping rates..."God with Huge Buckets" was the quote I heard from one stunned geotech engineer.
As this Corps Yeah Man (CYM) has demonstrated he has NOoooo problem juggling performance figures for these pumps in the face of the questioning public regarding real hurricanes, Chris "slam-my-tongue-in" Accardo is really getting pretty iffy with the way he is parsing average run-times among these pumps this weekend:
[Accardo said all direct-drive and hydraulic pumps in the canal performed well last weekend. He said they ran an average three hours, cumulatively, and their run times ranged from a low of 22 minutes to a high of around 5 1/2 hours. The hydraulic pumps, which some critics continue to allege aren't safe, ran an average of four hours; they ranged from 2 hours and 59 minutes to 4 hours and 46 minutes, according to the corps.]
Corps Behavior like this is specifically Why Real Engineers Use SCADA Data. Like the "Black Box" from a crashed airliner, these instruments measure the performance (or not) of the machinery.
One Big Prablem here is that this "news'porter" is using the Corps word and only the Corps word regarding these pumps
--which are still officially reported as Failed.

When engineers fuck up you don't listen to them any more, you hire other, competent engineers.
But here, we have to endure the statements of the very engineers
Who Have Made a Career of Fucking Up.
Isn't this some sort of ASCE'fork of Ethics to have this Corps "Yeah" Man marketing risk regarding their Hydraulic Pumps, the failures of which were cited in the Official Federal Report to the President here and here (big pdfs alert).
What is this flack'catcha doing here? Yes, we need answers about our Flood Safety --but all this Corps Yeah Man is doing is Pumping Public Relations.
Flooding concerns discussed at City Council meeting
~Scott Satchfield
City's first inspector general's tenure lambasted in in-house report~Michelle Krupa
$100 million in hurricane-recovery bonds approved for biodiesel plant in St. Rose
~Ed Anderson and Matt Scallan
Top doctor gives insight into Hurricane Federal Flood
Shrimpers’ livelihood threatened without dock space in Gulfport
~Anita Lee
Fishing hurricane recovery survey extended~Daily Comet
Recovery: The New Black
~Harry Shearer
Why men like Hon. Jed S. Rakoff should matter to us
~Bam Bam Bigelow slabbed
Georgia to Appeal Water Ruling
~Edgar Treiguts ~On July 17th, U.S. District Judge Paul Magnuson ruled the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers does not have the right to draw from the Lanier reservoir to supply drinking water to metro Atlanta's population of more than three million residents.
L.A. engineers are puzzled by uptick in water pipe failures
~Jessica Garrison
Treme: Life on the Banquette
~Odd Bits of Life in New Orleans
Bayou by Moonlight, Exploring Lousiana's other nightlife on a canoe trip after dark
~Ian McNulty, Gambit
Degas House Oktoberfest
~2306 Esplanade Ave. German food and beer with music by Julie Council and German Jubilee Band, 6-10 Sat.

to host free screening of
"Handmade Nation"
~Susan Langenhennig
Ani DiFranco sounds new upbeat tone~John Lamb
~Like any good business person, Ani DiFranco knows the three keys to success – location, location, location.
“People have made a lot of noise about my new record being my ‘happy record, Ani’s happy now. Happy, happy, happy,’ ” she said in a phone interview. “Part of that is, I have a lot to be grateful for. I’m in a good place.”
The folk-singing icon is certainly in a good place, or places. Physically, she recently moved from her native Buffalo, N.Y., to New Orleans. There she started a family with her husband, and now they have a 2-year-old daughter. DiFranco performs songs from her 19-year career Friday night at the Fargo Theatre.
Up From New Orleans With the Astral Project : Midwest Tour
~Andrea Canter
Music is no joke to Jamie Foxx
~Malcolm Venable
They're Baaaaaaaa-aaaack!
~The New Orleans Bingo! Show
Living Colour at Tipitina's and more from Spera's Trick Bag
Dirty Dozen Brass Band joins forces with CSU Marching Band
~Johnny Hart
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