~Saturday's nasty weather triggered the new Corps Canal policy.
“This weekend was extreme conditions. We haven't seen levels this high since Gustav and Ike,” says Chris Accardo with the US Army Corps of Engineers. This morning, everything was back to normal. Accardo says the process went smoothly. “If we have a major hurricane, those pumps are going to work fine. And we’re going to keep them up so people can have confidence in them if we have a major hurricane," he says.
But civil engineer and Levees.org's lead researcher H. J. Bosworth disagrees. He says the pumps likely won’t be able to handle the workload: “I wouldn't bet that they could. No no.”
Bosworth warns the temporary pump system has been cobbled together and can't handle the strain of the new 2.5 foot trigger or a big storm. “If there's more than an 8 inch rain and those gates are closed, the folks who depend on that London Avenue pump station will be very susceptible to flooding,” Bosworth warns.

This Chris Accardo is one savvy cur. Remember that name: Accardo...
as in "I'd rather slam my tongue in
A Car Doh than listen this barker."
His erroneous inference to the water levels of Gustav and Ike are intended to lather mo'gravy onto his previous sly public statements regarding the non-testing of those bad pumps,
to wit here:
"Yeah, we are confident they are safe. Again, we ran them for 12 to 13 hours during hurricanes Gustav and Ike and they performed fine," said Chris Accardo with the Corps.
"So yeah, we're confident the pumps will perform as designed during a hurricane event." Yeah, A'Car'Doh, we're giving you a'lotto credo for brains, but...this dog won't hunt.
What a feckless spitball Lie...yeah what'm'sayin...
Yeah'bo A'Car'Do doesn't tell you that they did not move more than a thimble-full through those Corrupt MWI Hydraulic Pumps
(also installed at each outfall canal) --when in fact they ran the more dependable battle-tested Direct Drive Pumps during Gustav and Ike --and probably not for the lengths of time he states since he is basically lying in'da first place. Who ya'gonna call?
Had they run those Bad Pumps even Obama would have heard the machinery's screaming death all the way to Washington DC.
However, Accardo (this Corps "Yeah" Man) is grotesquely contradicted here in this Harry Shearer interview Sunday with the lead Corps Engineer Maria Garizino, who was forced by Arrcado's New Orleans District to install those not-tested pumps, the constant failures of which she describes as "un-natural".
Please listen to her riveting story of these Pump Failures.
Chris Accardo is also Directly Contradicted here and here <--(big pdfs alert) by Legal Testimony from the Office of Special Counsel's own independently contracted Civil Engineer.
"The Special Counsel’s report and the "black box" information (known as "SCADA data”) prove the hydraulic pumps were not utilized when canal water levels were highest at the beginning of each storm, not allowed to run at full operating speeds and pressures, and not allowed to run for extended periods of time that replicate a real-life hurricane event."~Jesselyn Radack, attorney who represents Corps Engineer Maria Garzino.
I mean, Chris Accardo --Project Director for the Corps of Engineers New Orleans District-- are you freaking lying or what? Answer me. Are you Freak'O'lay Freakin'Lyin?
Those pumps are broken and so is Chris Accardo's Corps Word.
Ms. Garzino's Expert Testimony has opened up a dank, sinister dynamic to this Never Ending Story of our City's damn'nation:
the New Orleans District of the US Army Corps of Engineers.
As with many Crime Stories, the Perp returns often during the investigations and recovery to watch and adjust what evidence may (or may not) turn up to the Detectives --especially if the Perp IS one of the Detectives. Such is the case on this hunt for the Criminals suspected in the rape and crucifixion of our Maiden.
And as such, the evidence will sometimes reveal itself as we see here, the New Orleans District, our own people --who are so quick to publicly cry: "Lay Off the Nola Corps Who Also Lost So Much!" --Committing More Crime to Cover Up their Crimes.
Crime Crime Crime Crime Crime... Fecking Crimin'Shame!
Is not the greater Problem than the Corps Bad Engineering actually the New Orleans District's Bad Contracting?
Isn't this more a Story of Hellish and Illegal Bid'duggery?
Do we get our Millions of Dollars back into the Treasury? Nah.
Fairbanks Morse just won a $70 Million Contract for a latest round of Pumps. Will they now be tasked to Plug this Hole?
If so, this time can we get a Witnassss? At what point do we question Who will be contracted Now to Replace this ASCE'fuck of our Congressional Mandated Flood Protection?
~Fairbanks Morse Pump Wins $70M Contract From Corps For New Orleans
~Circle, Incorporated, Belle Chasse, La.
was awarded on Aug. 21, 2009, a $12,309,991 firm-fixed-price contract for WBV-18-2 Highway 90 to Lake Cataoutche Pumping Station, Levee Baseline Sta. 160+23, Phase II, First Lift, Levee Enlargement, Jefferson Parish, La.
Work is to be performed in Jefferson Parish, La., with an estimated completion date of Feb. 24, 2011.
Bids were solicited via FedTeds with 13 bids received.
USA Corps of Engineer, District New Orleans, La., is the contracting activity (W912P8-09-C-0105) ~DefPro.com
New York Times issues correction to reporter’s description of New Orleans’ flooding~Levees.org
Obama Letting Corps of Engineers Drown New Orleans Again, Experts and Locals Say
~Creative Advance
Orleans Parish levee work plans discussed~Mark Schleifstein
New State Web portal offers access to projects in Houma-Thibodaux ~Jeremy Alford
Gambit Gets It Again!
~Big Editillos for Kevin Allman!
He gets a Geax'Dog Award, which we give to particular few gumshoes when they GET IT. Thank you for ending your opening paragraph with the term "Federal Floods"!
I know many people, my phalanx of therapists for example, who consider my Vendetta to dismantle the Exquisite Corps and to destroy the use of "Katrina Shorthand" in the Media, ie the constant reality-framing off-the-cuff references to Katrina The Storm and Not the Corps of Engineers Failures as the cause of our catastrophic Flood in '05, to be aaaahhh a tad over-bearing to put it nicely. Hence, I cannot describe the feeling which washes over me (Oyster, don't EVEN go there) to read those words in a major media --written by Da' Big Chief Editor his very same Honorable Self no less! THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!
CenLamar Gets'Em!
~Or... beating a Dead Pelican to make it to Fly Right!
“What is she, the governor of Guam?” BWHAHAHA... Whew!
The Buck Stops with Quatrevaux ~Frank Donze~A week after taking the reins of the New Orleans office of inspector general, Edouard Quatrevaux is taking a month's leave of absence to address his business affairs and has temporarily handed day-to-day management to one of his aides, the chairman of the city's Ethics Review Board said in a memo sent Monday to the agency's staff. "Mr. Quatrevaux has some business obligations he needs to conclude and they can all be done by then," Rev. Kevin Wildes wrote. Quatrevaux, who moved to New Orleans as an infant and grew up here, runs a small retail store on Metairie Road called The Buck Stop.
IT Vendors Sue Dell, Ciber And New Orleans ~Jennifer Bosavage
Memories of Hurricane Ivan overshadowed by Katrina,
say many Gulf Coast survivors
~Jay Reeves
Anyone else remember that Federal Judge that actually lives up to his oath of office ~slabbed
Dillard environmentalist receives national honor
~John Pope
Disaster Recovery: The Assets Go Home at Night ~No CCrit
Crosslake Lutheran Youth Group Visits New Orleans
Women’s Yoga & Holistic Wellness Class in NoLA
Moving to New Orleans
Armstrong Park sculpture plans criticized at Treme meeting
~Bruce Eggler

He was 57.
Strange Days Indeed!

Because he can!
However, Dawg here appears to have NO DICK and would try to Suck Any Dick
or Microphone
--no matter where he can find one --"I just need to suck'mo."
But Graceful Taylor Swift offers him her award? Helllo?
"Here, Suck this Trophy, Dawg!" Speaking of Branding...
Photo: Jason DeCrow/AP
Jewey Goddess Witchery: Writing History~Amy Steinberg
Ned Sublette~The HoundBlog
Naked Angels Soundtrack (1969)
Tipitina's instrument of goodwill is melodic to students of music
~Geraldine Wyckoff
Don't go there?
Man, I just hate those preemptive comedy blocks.
Outstanding compilation and commentary Editillaguerilla, but I needs me a "Mardi" at the top or else it won't feel right.
Thanks youz Big Molluski!
Well, I know how you Oysters slide.
I wait until after lunch to name the day these days, mainly to make sure they gonna live first.
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