Geaux Senator Mary Landrieu!
~CenLamar ~Praise Goddess for Big Ova!
I'm tollin'ya! And which diaper wearing, hooker-fucking values hypocrite Senator do y'all think she's Hulk'inatin'on?
--Audience stage right?
Editilla Loves An Honest Scrap!

Well, ahem, guess all youz beotches betta buckle'up!
Aggregator Schmagmagator!
Real Bloggers, as Citizen K, think we do just fine t'ank you fury mush! HAHAHAHA!
Really though, thank you for the honor, K, Blogga You!
I like the Hammer motif.
Honest Weblog Award Rules:
1. You must brag about the award. ( spades)
2. You must include the name of the blogger who bestowed the award on you and link back to that blogger. (Done)
3. You must choose a minimum of seven (7) blogs that you find brilliant in content or design. (Fuck that. These aren't only some of my favorites, but a few who I do consider Real Bloggers and from whom I have learned so much.)
~Your Right Hand Thief
~Library Chronicles
~Our New Orleans Saints
~Canal Street Chronicles
~We Could Be Famous
~Huck UpChuck
~Ashley Morris: The Blog
~First Draft
~Louisiana 1976
~Maitri's Vatul Blog
~Crescent City Hack
~Odd Bits of Life in New Orleans
~Home of the Groove
~Gentilly Girl
~Harry Shearer
~NO Notes, St James Infirmary
~Thanks Katrina
OK, that is a few more than 7, and I could go on, but I would like it noted that after I got into blogging, and looking around the country, I have found very few who can hold a candle to NO/La bloggers --and that includes Big Huff'n Firedog'n Kosacks et al!
For more please see our list of Stitch'hikas and 2nd Line.
4. Show their names and links and leave a comment informing them that they were prized with the Honest Weblog Award.
(I am really not an "award giver" type but do honor Editillos... does that count? This looks like work, but I'll try Jeez Louie:)
5. List at least ten (10) honest things about yourself.
(You gotta be'z this:)
I believe that Goddess takes care of fools & errant troubadours.
I also believe it possible to go native without realizing it.
I've learned, written & performed my own impressionistic delta folkblues for over 30 years with care to look and listen...and practice practice. I write literate songs. I play guitar percussively, notoriously acoustic, no picks... on: a Nylon string guitar made in Spain by Sanchis Carpio, an Epiphone PR-850 acoustic (Ghost slide guitar) and Electric Resonator Guitar designed by Jay Turser (purchased with convoluted FEMA money in Baton Rouge, after escaping to there from New Orleans in a pick-up truck with: 1 guitar 1 dog 1 bicycle 1 backpack filled with 20+ books, 2 pair of shorts, dog food and 6 blades... 7 days after the Corps of Engineers flooded the City 8/29/05) and Hohner harps.
I've also acquired an Ampeg electric guitar amplifier: tubes, 40 watts, 12" speaker, vintage 1962...serious brown sound.
I produced my first CD, "Babylon Cafe...revisited" in 1999 as well as my second CD,instrumental, "Smooth to the Fine and other Peaces for the new Melliniumn" 2000 (both sold out).
I live for Science opposed to Sci Fantasy. I enjoy North & South American fiction in general but particularly that written by scientists...or in that genre with Borges, Butler, Dick, Kress, Winterson, Sterling and Stephenson.
Still, I cut my teeth on Falkner, O'conner and Pynchon.
I am writing a Comedy play on the Death of Socrates.
My other influences go from "e-prime" to Frank Loyd Wright to Frank Zappa to Tom Waits to Lafcadio Hearn to Bucky Fuller to Metaphysics Anonymous to the back hand path on this goddamned long road home.
If you could put me in a church before you nailed the doors shut and burned it down the altar would hold the Tao te ching, inside a building built of Dharma surrounded by sprawling grounds of Secular Ecohumanism and ringed by a 4 dimensional, wave-like, seething perimeter of guerrilla cyberpunk rail-tail futurist hyper-level social view.
Editilla, old newbie that I am to the blog o' sphere, (and not quite guileless and innocent as a naked new babe) I found you by way of one o' dem NOLA bloggers. Though if you threatened to pull my keyboardin' fingernails out and take away my CDM, I couldn't tell you which one. But I can tell you I'm bewitched and enchanted wid da tings you does wit' da language. Fact is, you could say I'm covetous. Glad you now Honest and got the logo to prove it! And glad you gotch you a geetar wid dat FEMA monies. You keep doin what you doin, and I'moan keep readin' what you doin.
ha, ha, ha, ha...this is SO excellent as I KNEW it would be! You be de best, period.
Thanks Youz, Mz Wizer!
Thanks youz, Mz BevRev!
I really like your blog too so please accept my apologize for the delay in posting your compliment comment.
You could put my brain in a thimble and still have enough room to wear it.
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