~Disclaimer! This editorial is paid for by our friends at the US Army Corps of Engineers.
~Stood UpDate~ Nola.com has completely pulled this editorial from their site! And, we cannot access it from any search generated by the title. We suppose this is more "Editorial Discretion" employed by the new sheriff in town: Advance Internet?

"Oh but we publish editorials attacking the Corps!"
We say: My Ass, they take Money from the Corps!
We also say they have provided the Corps a potent Mouthpiece.
We hear their Mouf'talkin, the sound of Change in their pocket.
Having followed the Times Picayune Mouf'talkin for the past few years, I have had it with their Conflicts of Interests, as to date this news outlet has allowed the Corps to operate unchecked by any serious follow-up journalistic investigations into:
~Massive Computer Fraud on Nola.com by the Corps of Engineers infiltrating the comments sections of articles on the Corps, illegally posed as "civilians", to disrupt discussion, attack its critics, disparage the survivors of their corrupt Corps engineering and out-right Lie about the Causes of their Failures in the Flood of New Orleans 8/29/05.
~Bad Pumps! The entire time (since the flood) as the T-P low'ball miss-pitched this story of Options on the outfall canals, the Corps has bought, paid-for and installed criminally faulty Pumps. This was proven by a Report by the Office of Special Counsel which backed up the formal complaints of Maria Garzino, the Corps Engineer who was forced by the New Orleans District to install these Hell Pumps.
~Levee Leaks Street...do we even need to go there?
~OPP... opp-see we ain't even going to that Snake Farm!
Been there. Done That. Got the bloody screen shots to prove it.
Bloomberg News Gives NOLA Katrina Shorthand of da'schtick
~The destruction accelerated four years ago last month, when Hurricane Katrina struck. The third-deadliest storm in U.S. history claimed more than 1,800 lives, displaced 1 million residents and damaged more than half of New Orleans’ housing.
~They can run but they can't hide.
GDP an Inaccurate Measure of Stark Disparities in United States, Fails to Show Whole Picture in Louisiana~Huff Post
~Or so says some smart carpet baggers who like to credit New Orleans for handing the nation its Dying Cultural Ass.
~When Hurricane Katrina made landfall in Mississippi and Louisiana four years ago, extreme weather and acute human vulnerability met head-on with tragic results. Long-standing gaps in the well-being of different groups of Gulf coast residents were suddenly everywhere in evidence - on rooftops, on I-10 overpasses, and on TV screens across the country.
Many were stunned by what they saw. They should not have been. The problems of social exclusion, residential segregation, and human poverty that Katrina brought to light hide in plain sight in every U.S. state. No shit ya'buncha Boo'lockes!
Now, how'bout y'all get straight on what caused 8/29...
Court snubs 17th Street Canal property owners in suit for levee compensation
~Editilla Notellas~ Composted due to hard commentary.
Jarvis DeBerry: New Orleans watchdogs are chasing their tails
~Stood UpDate~ Another Editorial pulled from nola.com! What is happening here? Is this new Internet Ad Company, Advanced Internet, for some weird reason pulling articles or just simply fucking up the nola.com site so as to make it worthless to share? Please join us in contacting these Net'tards and axin'em WTF?!? I mean, we didn't even pick on them over this editorial. Hell, we love Jarvis. Sooooo, what gives, Advanced/Nola.com? Who is running this ship of fools aground?
What’s the score? Bossier up by 1 – State Farm out on Motion for Partial Summary Judgment
~Nowdoucit, slabbed
May you live in an interesting age~Liprap's Lament - The Line
~Editilla Notellas~ Heading what is arguably one of the sharpest reviews of Ned Sublette's latest: The Year Before The Flood, that quote reminds me of "The Chinese Curse",
which has 3 parts of increasing, errah, accursedness?
~May you live in interesting times.
~May you come to the attention of a government official.
~May you profit from it.
Our Weekend in New Orleans
~Motorhome Diaries
New Orleans boast a handful of great hot dogs~Todd A. Price
Riiight! Nola wanna her dogs nice and pretty like...CHICAGO???
Rebirth Brass Band sets off sunset show this evening at Historic New Orleans Collection courtyard~Alison Fensterstock
We just can't help ourselves on Fridays...
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