Tuesday, July 21, 2009


USA Today serves Corps Cool Aid --still spinning the Katrina LIE
~Editilla gotta ax why they keep telling This Lie:
"Overall, work on the system is progressing at better-than- expected speeds and the area is safer than it was in 2005," Project Dir. Durham-Aguilera says. The federal levees collapsed under pressure from that storm, flooding New Orleans. That is an out right lie. Why continue to tell it?
Another lie is that Katrina was a "once in 400 year storm".
The past decade of recorded history painfully contradicts that total ASCE'fuck of Hurricane Reality. This type of Advertorial Article Placement is exactly why we pay the Big Money to the Public Relations firm OPP. While we are here in the front lines of flood fighting the Corps for our very lives and property, OPP is working overtime to place these articles of down'right re'framed misstatement and misdirection. They are quite proud of their job too! And get this, the Most Head Mistress of that same PR firm stealing your tax dollars in New Orleans has now purchased for herself a nifty thingy with our flood- funding: Certified Floodplain Manager, awarded by the Association of Water Industry Professionals (AssWIP)
Question is no longer how long now, how long must we pay so dearly for the Truth of our Flood Safety.
The question now is Why...
--why must We The People pay these PR Whores to Lie for the ASCECORPS Criminals who flooded our City.

Twit Youz, Harry Shearer!

Vitter backs 'Pump to the River' ~Paul Murphy, WWL
~U.S. Sen. David Vitter (R-LA) announced he has introduced a bill directing the Army Corps of Engineers to build the controversial flood control system.
He will be joined on the “Pump to the River” bill by the state’s senior senator, Mary Landrieu (D-LA), and Senator Barbara Boxer (D-Calif.), who chairs the committee where the bill is expected to be heard.

Secretary Shinseki: VA will need additional $300 million for proposed hospital

New Bahamas disturbance develops~Dr. Jeff Masters
~A new tropical disturbance has formed north of the central Bahama Islands, about 600 miles east of Miami.
The thunderstorm activity is not yet very intense, but does cover a moderately large area.
This morning's QuikSCAT pass showed winds of 20 - 25 mph, and no evidence of a circulation trying to form.

Census Bureau slams Nagin suggestion~Dave Cohen
~Should people who left New Orleans because of Katrina, but who intend to return soon be counted as New Orleans residents in the Census? Mayor Ray Nagin's office says they should. The Census Bureau disagrees.

Will displaced residents be counted? ~Desiree Evans

Recovery School District sends parents enrolling children to school sites ~Sarah Carr

Child-Governor Jindal takes credit for stimulus, presents constituents with jumbo-sized stimulus check.
~Think Progress

11th Circuit overturns Scruggs contempt citation! ~slabbed

Round Pegs in NoLA's Square: Entrepreneurs Defy Recession
~Christina Davidson

Fugitives wanted for abuse, neglect of 600 dogs arrested in Vermont~Mary Bushnell

Largest post-Katrina convention in town this week

'Outrage' returns to New Orleans
~Mike Scott

Edwin Hampton, Legendary Leader of the Marching 100 Passes Away

Keith I. Marszalek's Nola Music
~Last chance to catch the musical: "White Noise",
--at Le Petit Theatre, in the French Quarters

Part II: New Yorker Roundtable on Haitian Music
~Ferentz Lafargue

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