Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Why is Ret. Admiral Thad Allen still straining the uniform?
~"As a result of that, we thought of oil containment, rather than capping the well," National Incident BP Commander Admiral Thad 'The Impaler' Allen said.
~Editilla humbly asks a few things~ Containment? What a nice word. A little late for that eh, Thad? "Containment" sounds so much more hopeful than 100,000,000 POUNDS OF OIL RELEASED. Doesn't that sound more cheerleadingful? Thad?
This BP Spoker retired from the Coast Guard last week, after an ignoble stint as BP's Incident Commander. There is a new Commander. Why is this man still wearing the uniform of our US Armed Forces, fey as they seem to be at responding to this threat upon our shores? Where is the Difference here that makes a Difference between Stopping this Oil and BP getting its Profit back? Would the difference here involve Thad's employer?
Who is Thad the Impaler working for anyway? U.S. or them?
Goddamn It! What happened to our Coast Guard, you assholes?

Sen. David Vitter (R-Pamp) works to limit BP liability!
~What happens when you're a small government, pro-business conservative and your state gets pummeled by one of the worst man made disasters ever? If you're Louisiana Senator David Vitter, R-Pamp, you double down on offshore drilling and push for a liability cap for BP.
~Editilla gotta axe~ In these trying times, with everything we hold dear in the balance, do you really want such a 2-Faced, Lying, Diaper-wearing, BP Punk standing for Louisiana?

La. governor loses his free market religion in oil leak

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Better yet, why is he still walking free? Arrest these mofos before they get away.

Comment mod captcha word for this comment: mofece-LOL, ya THINK? Mo bullshit?