Sunday, March 18, 2012

Time for another blogger ethics panel
~Library Chronicles

From a “long line of corruptors”: Slabbed truth checks Sal Perricone’s assertions about grand jury target Fred Heebe

Clues to poster's real ID were everywhere ~James Gill

Cutting the Army Corps of Engineers
~Chris Edwards
~The nation’s long experience with the Army Corps illustrates how federal involvement in local infrastructure often leads to mismanagement, inefficiency, and pork-barrel spending. It’s time to revive federalism in infrastructure investment and begin to privatize Army Corps activities or transfer them to the states. Those remaining activities of the Corps that are truly federal in nature should be moved to the Department of the Interior and the civilian side of the Corps closed down.

Locked and Dammed: Some of the nation's locks and dams are on the brink of failure

MS River flood preparation work continues
~Also~Information, Videos , News and Images about Flood Control
~New Port SL hires are familiar faces
~New Iberia congressman lobbies for dredging money

Oil companies invest in Gulf spill response ~Cara Bayles

Brazil Bars Oil Workers From Leaving After Spill~NYTimes

Havre de Grace captures New Orleans

Cajun Wine Glass~Shrimp Juice


List of local St. Joseph altars

Buster Holmes, New Orleans restaurateur
~Editilla Revelatas~I will never forget their small bowl of Red Beans'n'Rice
$1 maka you holla! Barg's: 50 cents. circa: 1979.
They were always so nice to us street musicians --and everyone else don't'ya know.

Sunday: two second lines roll Uptown!

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